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Glystopher t1_j5cxehx wrote

Some shit company founder had office toys installed during the dot com boom, and after a couple months of watching who played with them, fired those people and removed the toys. Shitheads.


Dissenting_voice t1_j5d8rt4 wrote

Ngl, that is pretty funny.


Glystopher t1_j5gesfq wrote

In retrospect , it is. During that, he’ll no. I was let go with the excuse “we are not comfortable with having you on our team anymore”

Was a Christian nutrition mlm, so fuck ‘em. I had also publicly disagreed on dress code decrees to his face as well (no earrings on men?) I became a target. I was so pissed at the guy but he ended up dying 6mo later .

I didn’t do well after losing that job due to the recession and 9/11 plus my inability to cope without excessive partying. I got arrested and had to spend 3 months in county for assault. I was not able to re enter the IT field until 10 years later , and after going to get my undergrad. I can’t stand the certification crap. I now work tech support and development in dementia research. Love the public sector/academia, it’s a good fit.