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dark_salad t1_j5d9y8t wrote

The measurable metric for "work" is whatever you're being paid to do by your employer / clients.

>To put it bluntly, I am not surprised that the industry is laying people off.

And you're completely ignoring the fact that it's primarily the FAANG companies that are doing it in a concerted effort to manipulate the industry for cheaper labor.

You're also missing that they're still staffing well above their pre-covid numbers, so while this looks like a downturn -- it's not.

But tell me, how is the restaurant industry doing post-covid? Last I checked, not so bueno.


Dissenting_voice t1_j5dduty wrote

Found the nerve, sweetheart? Set your mouse jiggler up and have a quick nap.


dark_salad t1_j5h5j5h wrote

Says the person jacking off at the prospect of their girlfriend losing her job. Lol yikes dawg.