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Photos99999 t1_j2xdhdx wrote

You don’t mind your personal information being compromised I guess. Man the stupidity on here


HanaBothWays t1_j2xfw0a wrote

> You don’t mind your personal information being compromised I guess.

Bro your entire life history and sensitive financial information is held by Experian, which is one of the credit reporting bureaus, which you cannot opt out of. Chinese state-sponsored hackers got all their stuff in 2015. Your medical records and your financial records have probably also been compromised multiple times (sometimes those hacks make the news, sometimes they don’t, freeze your credit).

Facebook can track your stuff even if you don’t have an account with them because they have scripts on all the most popular Web sites. You are actually safer from them if you have an account with them and don’t use if for anything except to max out your privacy settings - it’s the only way to opt out.

The ISP you are using to connect to this website, and most of the services you use online, collect and collate information on you, and sell it to data brokers (which the Chinese government can purchase from by the way, like anyone else).

That horse has left the barn for all of us.


[deleted] t1_j2xg8xh wrote



bigguccisofa_ t1_j2xpvh6 wrote

No I think he knows that he’s just saying ur protections from them are futile bc of what he’s stated

you’d get that if you weren’t just racist against the Chinese but masquerading it as a privacy concern. As a private American citizen what can the CCP even do to you?