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xynix_ie t1_j2yndq4 wrote

The only companies interested in doing business in China are greedy companies that don't mind when China allows it's technology to be ripped off and copied. Many of these companies STILL think that somehow China's 80 billion people are somehow going to magically purchase their gear.

No. They're not. They're going to purchase the stolen gear for much less and despite every company like Apple getting their teeth kicked in every single year they line up for a fresh kicking to the face every single year.

Smart companies have already left, having had too many teeth gone missing the past decade.

So we're not tied to China. In fact if the borders closed this very second the only thing that would happen is Americans would have to figure out how to manufacture a fucking bag of screws again. For that we have 3D printers - time to end this relationship entirely.

Bunch of thieves and their government is ran by a dictator professing to be a damned emperor of all things. Ridiculous. Good riddance.


HanaBothWays t1_j2yow2b wrote

> The only companies interested in doing business in China are greedy companies that don’t mind when China allows it’s technology to be ripped off and copied.

This is laughably incorrect. Most of the manufactured products in your home have components that were fabricated or assembled in China. Whatever you typed that on? Partly if not completely assembled in China. Same for the routing equipment of your ISP that put it on the internet.

> Smart companies have already left, having had too many teeth gone missing the past decade.

No, a good chunk of the world’s global manufacturing is still there.

> So we’re not tied to China. In fact if the borders closed this very second the only thing that would happen is Americans would have to figure out how to manufacture a fucking bag of screws again.

Our economy would melt down overnight before we figured that out (so would theirs). We might not even have the means to build our own domestic production capacity for a century or so if we did that. Ask anyone who works in a statewide factory or a shipping or logistics company.