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goingphishing t1_j3054xe wrote

They want to ban tiktok because young people are becoming liberal at unseen rates because of class consciousness. Not cause of data privacy. If they cared about us, they would pass laws to protect us from all social media companies. So tired of this take


bizanthium t1_j305xbz wrote

Yeah it’s pretty clear a lot of ppl responding have never even used the app and have assumed a lot from secondhand reporting.


jaam01 t1_j312zlz wrote

The media and the government conveniently are telling the Tik Tok story backwards. If the USA actually cared about privacy, they could make legislation to protect users' data, but they don't, because their own spyware companies would have to abide to those same laws (fairness), but of course, protecting users data and privacy is not in the interests of the USA's government. In fact, the FBI opposed Apple when they announced they are going to end to end encrypt the iPhone's iCloud back up, because "we could no longer snoop into it, think of the terrorists and children!" (yes, they practically said that). Also, this companies make you renounce your right to a class action lawsuit, so just the wealthy and people living in the USA can protect their rights against them. "Do as I say not as I do" "Rules for thee but not for me" "It's not bad when I'm the one doing it" The USA has no credibility to criticize Tik Tok.


enddream t1_j32mwqj wrote

So they will move to Instagram and join the same types of circles anyway right? This isn’t going to stop the ‘wokeness’.