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wockyman t1_j5s0s9z wrote

>Artificial intelligence is writing fiction

There's no difference between fiction and disinformation as far as the AI's concerned. It's not learning to lie, it's just proceeding from the premise it's given. If I tell ChatGPT to explain what it is in the style of a witch, it will. It's not lying to me about being a soothsayer. It's just doing what I asked it to. Also, pedantically, the AI's writing misinformation. Disinformation requires intent.


SierraVictoriaCharli t1_j5s8mn5 wrote

Proving an AI can create information borders ridiculously close to the fundamental halting problem. Any information produced by AI needs to be parsed and curated both in input and output, by a human who can determine if the information provided is feasible. Trusting an AI provides any real answer is wrote incompetence with computation.