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Daetra t1_j6i759a wrote

Nice. More car companies making electric cars benefit the consumer. Looking forward to what VW brings to the market.


613Rok t1_j6i8m40 wrote

Ford may have dropped the price of the vehicle but we can be reasonably sure that the dealer network will still mark them up 10-20k or more over MSRP even with the savings. It’s a win win for the dealer, not so much a win for the consumer.


nikunikuniku t1_j6ijp2i wrote

Cool… now make a car that isn’t some butt ass ugly suv or crossover.


cowboy2734 t1_j6irq69 wrote

I bought 2 Mach Es at MSRP. Before placing order online just call dealer and ask them about price. Recently, Ford has implemented a new way to show dealer markup upfront while placing order. You can pick and choose dealer who is accepting order at MSRP.


YeaISeddit t1_j6ix5a5 wrote

The ID3 is a great car but commits too many unforgivable design sins for me to take it seriously (underpowered entertainment console, touch controls everywhere, charger on the rear side panel).


Dantzig t1_j6j0ahk wrote

I havent seriously looked at the ID3, but the ID4 didnt even make the short list. When I asked myself “why this car” nothing comes up. The competition is just about on par or better in my view.


Ivanoff91 t1_j6j6t4j wrote

That is some family suv, not a mustang


Dantzig t1_j6jaudu wrote

I am sure they are fine, but tbh I think they get more slack since its VW. Had it been a Chinese company.

Also the launch models had massive flaws with the software to the point where they not reliable


Epeck43 t1_j6k70q1 wrote

Just cut the dealer out already and have ford locations sporadically throughout the state you live in. Every vehicle I have purchased I got zero benefit from a salesmen beside grief and the “games” you play with them


Sea_Tack t1_j6kebua wrote

There are laws against Ford selling Fords directly unfortunately.

Even the Justice Department dislikes these laws but they are still on the books in almost every state.

Tesla has gotten exceptions made especially for them.

Ford needs to work on lobbying, citizens need to get awareness levels above their seat cushions, and state legislatures need to repeal the laws that require car dealers.


cme884 t1_j6medwu wrote

I really want an electric Maverick.


symplton t1_j6pdgtj wrote

On a day when Exxon Mobil announced $54 BILLION in PROFIT, why aren't people more motivated to change over to electric?