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TheLandOfConfusion t1_j4j953g wrote

It’s the tradeoff between wide field of view, image quality, and price.

You want the camera to cover a wide area (otherwise you need a lot more cameras, which is expensive). That means they’re usually low focal length or fisheye (so you can’t get a clear image of small details like facial features)

The solution to that problem would be cameras that can swivel and zoom, which is too expensive.

Three options, and you can pick two. Usually they pick wide coverage and not expensive.


Norcalnomadman t1_j4johj0 wrote

The problem is the media needs to stop focusing on facial recognition . Facial recognition is only one part of the system. All the top systems track your entire body from your clothing color to gender to everything in between. They don’t need to be zoomed in close to do this , Couple this with heavy analytics and advanced search and playback functionality. I always chuckle when everyone goes on about the facial recognition part of these systems it the least scary part of them.