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sickofthisshit t1_j605jar wrote

Being a lawyer is not about "millions of legal lines", it is about being able to locate the few dozen lines that apply to the particular situation, understanding the principles behind those lines that give them meaning, and the tactical understanding of the humans involved to come up with a strategy.

There already are digital forensics and digital discovery tools that manage large document dumps. Which litigators already know about and use.


[deleted] t1_j60aluz wrote



sickofthisshit t1_j60f4el wrote

Yes. Because lawyers don't need artificial intelligence to "summarize" the law, they need a legal education, experience, and sometimes search indices.


[deleted] t1_j60fbrr wrote



sickofthisshit t1_j60h52h wrote

What "practice" are you even talking about? These AI bots are completely unsuited for giving legal advice.


[deleted] t1_j60id2s wrote



sickofthisshit t1_j60jkyv wrote

>how on earth can you still have it stuck in your head that I am talking about AI giving legal advice

Idiot, we are in a thread about some other idiot applying AI to pretend to give legal advice.