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jiggamain t1_j5or8hi wrote

Go back and read the original comment, pls and stop being a contrarian jerk in life. Their first comment is clear and leaves room for both to be true. You come off like an ass with this comment, consider deleting? Will save others the time I wasted going back to reread (and will keep others from going back, rereading, and figuring out that your reading compression leaves something to be desired…


OriginalCompetitive t1_j5otj5z wrote

Don’t tell him to delete these asinine comments are the whole reason I read read it in the first place.


Canal_Volphied t1_j5oshl9 wrote

> Their first comment is clear and leaves room for both to be true.

No it's not. Stop trying to gaslight people. >You come off like an ass

Pot, kettle. Your comment is overly vulgar and hostile. Gonna put you on ignore now.