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Muramama t1_j3cn5rc wrote

ChatGPT has been banned on SO for a few weeks now. It was causing a large amount of incorrect answers. It's tough to police though, because mods are basically having to decide if it sounds like ChatGPT or not since there isn't a way to tell 100% yet.


eskimoboob t1_j3cwp0v wrote

I’m not sure if this is the start of some super-intelligent AI or the beginning of the loss of all modern human knowledge. Like what’s the speed of entropy in a system without error correction


Royal-Bid-2849 t1_j3egb2k wrote

You’re correct about the loss of knowledge. IA is just about what came often. Experts’ answers are not what it trains on, so only average answers and knowledge will be on that kind of ai.

Wait until it can train itself to be expert on a field. Then humans will really be obsolete.


JukePlz t1_j3g31jw wrote

Well, as much as I believe this can be a dangerous tool (because people don't understand that it's a chat bot and experimental academic effort and not a proper knowledge source) I don't think we will get to a point were we have to worry, as this is likely a short public experiment by OpenAI team to get data on their model deficiencies and will like be either:
A) Replaced by a better, more accurate version.
B) Limited/removed from the public beta were anyone can use it.

That's the case for ChatGPT at least, AI as a whole is another can of worms that we are just opening.


Tatatatatre t1_j3daz6x wrote

Admin scared of becoming obsolete


PapstJL4U t1_j3dgcb6 wrote

ChatGPT ask a question on StackOverflow.
ChatGPT answer a question on StackOverflow.
ChatGPT admin StackOverflow.

This seems to be the entrance to Matrix.