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Big_Simple_1782 t1_j5su1hf wrote

His banning tourism is hyperbole. And frankly a ridiculous assertion. Responding to it is a waste of time and energy.

Sadly his argument about women's safety is badly marred by the banning tourism point as it points out his priorities rathar then making a genuine insight.

Rapists are not roaming in droves in India. But the present Govt and it's supporters have a history of condoning and even promoting rape, which is horrifying and frightening. Their tacit and overt support to rapists will have a trickle.down effect which needs to be stopped asap. My country is far too large and beautiful to be defined by one political parties sick fetishes.. Sadly the same group uses "defaming India/culture/religion" argument whenever a concerned party brings up this issue.. Hence the confusion which only serves to emboldened the monsters.

If you're interested read about the best bakery case, all of the perpetrators have been released (illegally) by the present Govt. Also the Kathua incident where thousands of supporters tried to shut down the trial of the monster who committed the crime.. This has become a very very concerning trend. And Sadly people have become so divided in my nation that they will even support/defend rape and rapists to score.imaginary political points.