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11fingerfreak t1_j51ixlr wrote

So, basically, the only purpose of recycling is to provide recycling companies with income. Recycling was never intended to do anything except make consumers responsible for a mess that nobody can actually fix while distracting the world from the companies that are creating the mess.

Funny that the plastics companies are… wait for it… also the same companies that pump the oil and natural gas out of the ground or are so closely related to them the separation is largely a technical matter. Same companies that intentionally filled the air with greenhouse gasses. Same companies that fought tooth and nail to keep lead in toys, paint, and gasoline.

I see a pattern…


designer_of_drugs t1_j52lyhq wrote

Lead does make better paint. Worse babies, but better paint.

Kind of a toss up if you ask me.


empirebuilder1 t1_j53wdca wrote

Same issue with asbestos. Shit's an engineering wonder material, amazing thermal insulation properties, structurally and chemically stable. Just that teeny tiny minor issue of anyone working with it tends to end up with major lung damage.


Dubslack t1_j52saib wrote

Well, plastic is a petroleum product, so that part isn't all that crazy.