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dessimus t1_j60acjj wrote

>The Army knows that IVAS 1.0 is something of a lemon. Indeed, as Task & Purpose previously reported, the service awarded a “task order” to Microsoft in mid-December to develop a new variant of the system known as IVAS 1.2 that will include a new form factor designed to address the “physiological impacts identified during testing,” the service announced in January.
>According to Breaking Defense, the Army still plans on fielding the 5,000 IVAS 1.0 units it’s currently procuring from Microsoft at $46,000 a pop to training units and Army Recruiting command for a total price tag of $230 million.

One would think the field testing would come prior to buying the gear, not awarding contractors for providing half-baked concepts.


dravik t1_j61ogh7 wrote

That depends on what the government asked for and what the contractor promised. You need some number to do field tests. If they meet the development milestones, it works but needs some refinements, then I can see doing the initial purchase. Look at where they are going: recruiting and subs training units. It appears that they are going to places where they identified process problems aren't an issue.


robi4567 t1_j6378o8 wrote

Well you still buy the gear you test. I have a friend who sells military equipment. Armies buy them and throw all sort of shit at the equipment to see how it handles in the field and in strange situations.