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Daisyxwilliams t1_j4u7oiw wrote

My recovery from RSV took more than a month. You should undoubtedly get the shot.


Oiggamed t1_j4uygm9 wrote

Same here. First time I have ever been sick. It was an absolutely unreal experience.


8ubterfug3 t1_j4vc5be wrote

Should we apply the COVID vaccine correction factor to see how effective it actually is, because they flat out lied about the efficacy of that one.


kerodon t1_j4vxffo wrote

Didn't we have those numbers for the original variant of COVID, and the diminished efficacy is a result of the rapid mutation which is why the numbers are always updated and seem lower than originally tested for because they are not testing against the single variant it was designed for...


techblaw t1_j4wq7j1 wrote

Lol right, the mass of scientists that concocted the jab didn't take mutations into account! That must be it! Nature outsmarted them!

Even if this is true, incompetence is another reason not to trust these people. But to think they didnt account for the coronavirus "rapidly mutating" is insane


kerodon t1_j4xvm43 wrote

🧐 friend, I think you might be confused about how vaccines work. Nothing I said implies incompetence or any reason to instill distrust in the vaccine creators. Because that's explicitly the issue is that the vaccine was highly effective against the original strains but it was not as effective against the other variants that become more prevalent due to rapid mutation and spreadability.

It works in the same way we have different flu vaccines each yea. While to you if might just be " the flu vaccine" to most people, the scientists who work on creating the vaccines that will get distributed actually complile the most common and likely strains to be spread each year and gear our vaccines toward that to have the highest likelyhood of preventing the most illness and reducing the most severe symptoms for public safety. We also monitor how those strains evolve from year to year to improve them.

It has nothing to do with them not taking that into account initially because I'm sure they were aware of the potential ways it could develop. But without knowing exactly which strains become prevalent or how they will mutate, we can only do so much. And the vaccines still provide some level of protection regardless. It has nothing to do with incompetence, that's just a limitation of knowledge because we can't predict the future?

I am in no way saying you should blindly trust any for profit company, but these are definitely not something that they failed to do correctly or hsve any reason to be doubted just because some people might misinterpret the data due to not understanding what the data was communicating.


ZooZooChaCha t1_j4wujg7 wrote

They flat out warned people that if there wasn’t enough uptake on the original vaccine, efficacy would be a problem as further mutations occurred - “We have one shot at this!” was literally the cheesy slogan.


cykboydev t1_j4uc56o wrote

Yeah because what Moderna says can really be trusted


Qiagent t1_j4v359l wrote

Is there some controversy with Moderna that I'm unaware of?


WhatsUpB1tches t1_j4w8pnx wrote

No, this is the same uninformed BS as always. "Pharma is bad! The government is bad!" Explain to me how a pharmaceutical company can hide a 5G chip in a vaccine? Explain to me how Moderna somehow created COVID, and then developed a treatment against it? To make $$$? There are way easier ways to make money. And a novel virus like COVID and its variants require different treatments as the virus mutates. Thats how viruses work.


techblaw t1_j4wppad wrote

Lol you brought up common sense and got downvoted to oblivion. Can't question the narrative in the default subs.


ZooZooChaCha t1_j4wtu4t wrote

You can question the narrative and did. However, say stupid things, win stupid prizes.


E_fubar t1_j4v0zd7 wrote

I dont know why your getting downvoted. Im not an anti vaxxer, I got my covid shot, and what you are saying is 100% correct. The CDC and the pharmaceutical companies are so untrustworthy. When did it start to become cool to trust whatever big business and the government said? Its like the worlds been flipped upside-down


ZooZooChaCha t1_j4wtmej wrote

It’s ok to question big business and the government. However in the case of Covid and the vaccines both the CDC, scientists and doctors have shown that the vaccines are safe. There are always going to be edge cases and side effects.

The people doing the questioning now are not doing so in good faith. They are being shown evidence of it not causing harm and will only accept it if they are shown proof that it is.

You have DeSantis today declaring that the vaccines are dangerous and don’t work - Gee big 180 from when he was urging every senior in FL to get the shot & even appeared with a WWII vet to promote the vaccine saying the vaccine will protect you and reduce your risk of getting a serious case.


E_fubar t1_j4xro21 wrote

Touché! I think I have a problem with people in general more so than their politics
. Maybe thats why I dont have a lot of friends hahaha


ZooZooChaCha t1_j4yf2a2 wrote

I think that was the hardest part of Covid for me. A total loss of faith in humanity. I get that it was confusing and a complicated evolving situation. But I had good friends, people I went to college with, telling me the entire thing was a hoax and made up.

It made me realize that there is zero hope of us solving the other serious problems we are facing like climate change & sea level rise. If we can ignore hundreds of thousands of people dying around us, how are we going to stop something so gradual like sea level rise. The last man in Florida will be standing on his roof as the final wave crests screaming sea level rise is a liberal hoax.


Mundane_Library_6995 t1_j4ykoh7 wrote

Where exactly are the studies showing it's safe? How come these companies are completely protected from liability if side effects show up on their barely tested products? Why are the booster shots being investigated for stroke risk now, when people have been saying this is a problem for a long time now? I'm not anti vaccine at all, they have saved tons and tons of life and completely eradicated diseases, however I am against the government forcing mandates to take a shot with no long term studies done whatsoever, an experimental one at that. You guys can do what you want w your bodies, but it's a no from me


ZooZooChaCha t1_j4yr624 wrote

Where is the evidence showing it’s not? I see a lot of political grandstanding and quotes from non reputable sources of someone who knows someone who heard that another someone’s brother totally dropped dead after getting vaccinated. But zero evidence of wide spread side effects from the vaccines.

And just because something is being investigated doesn’t mean there is something there. The CDC noted a trend that could point to an increased risk of stroke in people over 65 and is now going to investigate further.

I believe DeSantis made a huge fanfare about launching an investigation into vaccine side effects. If this investigation finds something worthwhile, by all means hold companies liable or figure out what went wrong. But if it turns up nothing and slowly fades away to a quick footnote of “DeSantis vaccine side effect commission finds nothing” then stop referencing it as “Well why is the government of Florida looking into vaccine side effects!?!?”


Mundane_Library_6995 t1_j4ysz7b wrote

That's not how this works, if you're claiming a brand new medicine is safe and the government is forcing people to get it or effectively ostracizing them from society If they don't, then you damn well should have proof and research to stand on. The person making a claim has to provide proof, in this case it's something that can effect millions and millions so it's even more pertinent. They put out a new medication and got rich off it, they have to prove it's safe, I don't have to prove it isn't. I don't think there's been any studies done on the side effects of it so yeah no shit there isn't any evidence and it's all anecdotal. I guess time will tell. Just know our government has it set up that big pharma businesses like this can't be help liable at all for side effects if they do occur so I guess they don't have to bother proving it's safety. I don't have proof its safe or not safe either way, neither do you but people like you love to throw claims around and act all self righteous. Just keep believing everything you hear and trust the government completely, I'm sure everything is gonna work out just great. So like you said scientists have proven it's safe, show me the studies like you claimed


ZooZooChaCha t1_j4ywekw wrote

Omg what right wing dystopia fantasy land do you live in where the government forced and ostracized people who didn’t get the vaccine? The types of mandates people are losing their minds over have existed for decades.


aisle36 t1_j4v3aej wrote

Sir this is reddit. Big pharma and our govt always know whats best!


foxx1337 t1_j4ul3nr wrote

They had another vaccine for which they announced 94.1%.

The fact that we're all here today is proof enough I'd say.
