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Regula_Guy t1_j3jdclq wrote

Amazing how many people are commenting without having read the article. The discovery wasn’t a new line of wheat, that companies are going to price gouge on, it was a gene which can be leveraged for improved breeding in the future.

Additionally, it’s amazing how prevalent the narrative is that “you have to get new seed every year, isn’t that evil?” is… you should consider that your seed after harvest is going to be different on a genetic level from what you planted (just like how you’re not a clone of your parents, the wheat isn’t either). So sure you could reuse seed from harvest, but then you risk having plants susceptible to disease, drought, and lower yield. Being cynical doesn’t make you informed.

I beg everyone to stop providing cynical uninformed commentary to things they don’t even bother to read or try to understand. Just because characters on TV are oftentimes cynical and knowledgeable doesn’t mean being cynical makes you knowledgeable, you still have to read things to get the information, not just make quippy remarks. Please just read beyond the headline.


2ndHandTardis t1_j3kyr7u wrote

"Being cynical doesn’t make you informed"

Ever... Fucking... Green.....


Rombledore t1_j3ltcw1 wrote

>I beg everyone to stop providing cynical uninformed commentary to things they don’t even bother to read or try to understand.

boy, do i have something to show you that will make you depressed.

presents social media


DarkColdFusion t1_j3loyaz wrote

>you should consider that your seed after harvest is going to be different on a genetic level from what you planted (just like how you’re not a clone of your parents, the wheat isn’t either). So sure you could reuse seed from harvest, but then you risk having plants susceptible to disease, drought, and lower yield. Being cynical doesn’t make you informed.

It's like people have missed the past century of farming improvement. And they basically just want a reason to steer the conversation to band wagon hate on GMOs and Monsanto.


TummyDrums t1_j3mppti wrote

>So sure you could reuse seed from harvest, but then you risk having plants susceptible to disease, drought, and lower yield.

Granted I'm not super knowledgeable about this stuff, but wouldn't harvested seed with slight genetic differences make it less susceptible to disease as compared to homogenous seed that you buy from the producer every year that is exactly the same? If a disease hits your crop with all identical seeds, its going to kill everything, whereas if there is some natural genetic differences in your seeds it might make some of it just different enough to not be as affected by the disease. In theory anyway.


Regula_Guy t1_j3mvc3y wrote

Having genetic diversity reduces chances of widespread plague when the pathogen ends up circumventing the resistance, but crops are often bred to have certain resistances to pathogens/insects, so if you risk having those resistances bred out. Additionally that variation in the f1 generation isn’t guaranteed to have any better genetics for dealing with the pathogen and risks having worse yield, worse tolerances to other environmental factors, etc. It’s like betting on Achilles or 100 untrained villagers, sure Achilles heel is a weakness, but he’s stronger and nearly invincible (hyperbole) compared to the mixed bag you’re getting with the villagers. You’re probably thinking of bananas being wiped out which is a bit of a different case, since wheat can be bred at a faster rate and is seasonal whereas banana trees aren’t as rapidly bred to deal with resistances/tolerances and the plants aren’t seasonal. If 30 of your 10,000 plants survive because they just so happened to have a better resistance by circumstance that you can’t guarantee you’re still at a massive loss, whereas if you go with the more productive line, you know you’ll get 15% more yield if there is no plague, but if there is then you might only have like 10 plants that survive.


MyNameIsRobPaulson t1_j3kt5ko wrote

No lazy cynicism = intelligence!


TalkativeVoyeur t1_j3qdz22 wrote

I'm confused, did you mean "no, lazy cynicism = intelligence" or did you mean that just ridding yourself of cynicism makes you smarter (I guess it would if you could do it you could have done a lot of self growth 🤔)


JKJ420 t1_j3lid9h wrote

Unfortunately this sub has descended into exactly what you describe. Every post gets ton of comments from idiots and other idiots upvote them, so the worst comments are on top. Obviously this is a moderation problem, but I don't see it changing any time soon.


juxtoppose t1_j3l2iem wrote

Your right but there is nothing stopping someone wandering through their field of corn and picking the stalks with the biggest most numerous seed , however that might not matter much with the price of fertiliser since the nutrients for this miracle corn has to come from somewhere.

Save your old corn folks as it might be all that will grow on your farm.


[deleted] t1_j3izzrz wrote



lancelongstiff t1_j3jbwqb wrote

Where can I read more about this? I googled it up it didn't turn up anything.


DrScience-PhD t1_j3k26bo wrote

Supposedly it isn't true and the person that made the claim apologized.


iFlynn t1_j3kaa55 wrote

Damn that article is wild. Looking into Elaine’s side of the story, it appears that she merely apologized for botching the citation of her and Pete Holmes work, and that she stands by her criticisms of the modded Klebsiella planticola. Her criticisms weren’t nearly as dire, however, as the sensationalist headlines they spawned. Wonder what happened to this version of Klebsiella planticola?


Willinton06 t1_j3jk520 wrote

There’s a documentary about it called Jurassic World 3


Tarzan_OIC t1_j3kdt6i wrote

Can't wait for my food to get even more expensive than everyone else's. Sincerely, a Celiac.


BusstedBlunder t1_j3l60yl wrote

Yuuuup it’s ridiculous how much money it takes to not be constantly glutened


c0mad0r t1_j3j1h6o wrote

Monsanto has entered the chat...


Ok_Brilliant_5594 t1_j3kfs0g wrote

Monsanto been gone for years now, it’s BAYER now.


carlitospig t1_j3m8wdw wrote

Either way, fuck Round Up.

—Sincerely, an organic gardener who has had to deal with round-up filled commercial compost too many times to count.


Ok_Brilliant_5594 t1_j3m929g wrote

Yea it’s to bad we can’t get rid of it without crashing the entire food system.


carlitospig t1_j3mnm1n wrote

I mean, we could, we would just need to have enough money to lobby against their lobbyists. The UK has done a fantastic job fighting aminopyralids and their food system is just fine.


Ok_Brilliant_5594 t1_j3nf142 wrote

Yea there is a large gap in understanding of glyphosate’s roll in our food systems. Also maybe I am wrong but pretty sure with the UK in particular they still have roundup being used till 2025, but I could be misinterpreting it.

Lastly glyphosate is actually tied up or immobilized the second it hits the soil, by a process called adsorption by adhering to the soil collides. Now granted minerals in your soil profile play a huge roll in that. Basically what I am saying is between natural process chemistry and soil biome of fungi etc etc, you should see little to none left on a molecular scale. So if your seeing what you are suspecting is glyphosate damage in your compost you need to call your local county extension agent(if in the US) and get that tested and sent in since it would be a very clear outlier and extreme example that should be documented and traced. Probability would suggest another culprit to be honest.


Desrac t1_j3ivv91 wrote

Fingers crossed.


adventure_in_gnarnia t1_j3k8hg6 wrote

Our Overeated* world. There’s already food surplus, and most countries are facing obesity problems. In first world countries subsidies artificially inflate crop prices so farmers can make a living.

I hate to be cynical, but at this point I doubt this would be a large scale solution. Farming in the modern world is incredibly efficient. Supply chains and distribution are the problem


acolyte357 t1_j3mcqnj wrote

Well, if wheat can be grown in more harsh environments then locally sourced food would be more available, right?

That would reduce supply chain and distribution issues.


adventure_in_gnarnia t1_j3mm836 wrote

Hopefully, but wheat is a very resource and land intensive crop. It is the worlds bread basket, but it often doesn’t make sense to grow when it can be imported at 1/3 of the price from climates that are more ideal growing conditions and benefit from scales of economy. It really does come down to cost, if farmers can’t make money growing it locally, they won’t.


GusFawkes t1_j3k4rm0 wrote

But will it be Gluten Free?


aswhole t1_j3kejl5 wrote

Will there ever be something that really stumps humans? It's like everytime I read a doomsday issue, there is always some fascinating discovery to address that issue.


Mr_Mouthbreather t1_j3ksnxs wrote

There's a saying in poker that goes "going all in works every time but once." We will figure work arounds, until we don't. We don't really get a second shot.


SoleilNobody t1_j3klx8s wrote

Climate change.


aswhole t1_j3knmys wrote

Even that, I've read of revolutionary discoveries on removing CO2 from the atmosphere.


DutchieTalking t1_j3lpxvf wrote

None that are actually viable.

We have many potential solutions for many things. Most of those aren't properly accessible to us. And we don't know when they will be.


tjcanno t1_j3l8p3t wrote

First you create a crisis by identifying something that a handful of scientists are willing to jump up and down to insist it’s a real problem and requires more research (more $$$ to them).

Then you get a bunch of journalists who have never studied science and don’t really understand the issue pick it up and blast it out everywhere 24/7 to really stir up the masses. Even more $$$ flow into research on the problem.

Get everyone so worked up that it can justify them changing their lifestyle, justify massive wealth redistribution (the real end game), and turn the global economy upside down.

Then find the solution and pat each other on the back for solving a problem that never existed. Rinse. Repeat.


buyongmafanle t1_j3lgdz7 wrote

Greed thus far has really ruined how good society could be. There's no cure for greed.


Elliott2 t1_j3jo9xs wrote

Isn’t this kinda the plot to interstellar lol


Lucky_Ad_5057 t1_j3kpml6 wrote

Bummer for those with wheat allergies when that’s all that’s left to sustain us !


kiwisrkool t1_j3kvg0x wrote

And for Comment they go the the 2iC of the WEF? 🙄


zipperdz t1_j3kwf6o wrote

Wonderful, a new thing for rich white kids to protest. GMOs just won’t get you laid like they used to


m-arnold t1_j3lox6l wrote

This gives me hope as a bread baker. Wheat has become difficult to grow as a result of climate change, which in turn has made flour so expensive… I look forward to a future where heat-resistant wheat will allow us to continue in humanity’s long tradition of baking and eating bread.


azdood85 t1_j3lwzfo wrote

I like how we get these "Holy Grail" discoveries once a week now for the last 10 years yet none of them actually become a reality or change the world at all.


paulsteinway t1_j3nb4zv wrote

Cool. We'll have wheat that outlives us.


cmVkZGl0 t1_j3j1jwf wrote

I mean if everybody wants to eat wheat, sure. /s


BobaFestus t1_j3lr05v wrote

Let’s play god with the grain now. It has worked so well with gene therapy vaccines. Let’s keep fucking around and find out.


[deleted] t1_j3ixwkc wrote



Avramp t1_j3izri5 wrote

And the fee is suuuuperhigh so the taxpayers have to pay for it which in the end makes it a stupid idea, like the golden rice.
