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slymm t1_j9duxt0 wrote

All they have is old IP. When they launched, they had a superbowl commercial that had a bunch of characters climbing their peak. It included Picard, Beavis and Butthead, Spongebob Squarepants etc.

I mean, they friggin made a TV show about an awesome movie they made in the 70s! It's wild how they are clinging onto past successes.


ralten t1_j9dx2ih wrote

Like I said, I’m here for the Star Trek. I don’t care if it is old IP


TVsGoneWrong t1_j9e3upf wrote

Haven't seen any Star Trek around here since at least 14 years ago. Though that was a partially flawed action version (though very good action despite its flaws).


ralten t1_j9ox7lq wrote

Sounds like a you problem. In the last 5ish years we’ve got new series: Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds, Prodigy.


TVsGoneWrong t1_j9p5lhh wrote

Two soap operas, an animated comedy, (have not seen SNW yet but I hear it is Marvel Trek), and a little kids cartoon.

"Star Trek"

And the animated comedy and little kids show wouldn't even bother me if they were not canon with the "main" universe AND we actually got thoughtful, well-written main shows. But instead we get very badly written soap operas.


ralten t1_j9qg6qf wrote

🙄 Do at least give SNW a try. It’s the best of the bunch, and does a great job capturing the spirit of older trek while also having characters that aren’t cardboard cut outs


MackenziePace t1_j9flw7a wrote

> I mean, they friggin made a TV show about an awesome movie they made in the 70s!

Which one is this referring to?


view9234 t1_j9fqr5r wrote

I'm assuming they mean "The Offer" which is about the production of The Godfather


slymm t1_j9gblmr wrote

Correct. And I found it pretty entertaining (though absurd)


slymm t1_j9gbn77 wrote

Haha, I forgot about the pink ladies show. As the person below guessed, I was talking about the offer