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Dismal-Past7785 t1_jaarlkf wrote

>!Jacks dad (Christian) literally says “you’re dead now, but everything happened on the island while you were still alive, with these people, and it was the most important time of your life which is why you are now in the afterlife with them getting ready to move on”. It is mind boggling how people get from that to “island = purgatory”.!<

It just blows my mind that people don’t understand it. I just can’t figure it out. I remember watching it live in College, then talking the next day with people. To this day I think less of the people that thought >!island = purgatory!<.


Queasy_Turnover t1_jacsf7q wrote

I think a lot of people had that theory in their head the whole time they were watching it and just refuse to accept that they were wrong. Kind of like a "See? I called it years ago!" attitude.

I'm with you though, I can't help but judge someone who watches a show for that long, is explicitly told in the finale what happened, and still completely misses the point. I had a coworker who fairly recently was going on about what a waste of time Lost was because the ending was so bad. I told him his interpretation of the ending was flat out wrong and why, but he wouldn't accept it.