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TheRealDrSarcasmo t1_jae2oxc wrote

If they had decent writers, they wouldn't need to reboot 'Matlock' at all, and instead have Kathy Bates perform as a completely new and compelling character.

More nostalgia bait for... well, I don't know who, exactly. I'd think that the bulk of the original 'Matlock' demographic may no longer be around anymore.


DUNG_INSPECTOR t1_jae5iam wrote

> I'd think that the bulk of the original 'Matlock' demographic may no longer be around anymore.

Matlock was on the air until 1995.


efs120 t1_jae7u8j wrote

The Simpsons used to have a running gag where all the old people in the retirement home want to do is watch Matlock and they react violently if they don’t get their way.

They dropped it because even in the late 90s, Matlock had zero cultural relevance with anyone under 70.


DUNG_INSPECTOR t1_jae82mi wrote

Cool. That doesn't change the fact that Matlock was on the air less than 30 years ago and to suggest that it's an impossibility for anyone alive to have seen the show is simply foolish.


efs120 t1_jae8fo6 wrote

Well good thing the poster never said there's no one left alive that has seen Matlock. He said the bulk of Matlock's demographic is probably dead by now, which given the numbers involved, is likely true.

I've seen people pick fights over stupid shit on reddit, but picking a fight over whether Matlock had old fans or not takes the cake.


DUNG_INSPECTOR t1_jae9c7y wrote

> picking a fight over whether Matlock had old fans or not takes the cake.

That's an odd take on this thread. I do not doubt that Matlock had an older audience, the only thing I did was point out that the show was on not that long ago.

I also have to point out the fact that you are here, picking a fight over the age of the Matlock audience. A little self-awareness can go a long way.


efs120 t1_jaea89o wrote

It's final episode was in the last century, and we are almost a quarter of the way through our current century. That's a long time.


DUNG_INSPECTOR t1_jaec9w0 wrote

It wasn't that long ago.

Are you done picking a fight over the age of Matlock's audience yet?


efs120 t1_jaed387 wrote

No one’s picking a fight over the age of Matlock’s audience. It’s a fact that they were very old in 1995 and between now and then, the majority of people watching the show have passed on to the next life.

What we have is someone who didn’t know the age of Matlock’s audience (you) who decided to jump in and try to “well actually” another person, then moved the goalposts when they were shown to be talking out of their ass.


DUNG_INSPECTOR t1_jaeduiq wrote

> What we have is someone who didn’t know the age of Matlock’s audience

I do know the age of Matlock's audience as I am 45 years old and remember it being on air.

> > who decided to jump in and try to “well actually” another person

Literally the only thing my original comment said was that the show was on the air until 1995. > > then moved the goalposts

I have not moved any goalposts. I do not think a large number of original Matlock fans are alive, but I do believe that it is a larger number than the person I originally replied to was suggesting. That's it.

> No one’s picking a fight over the age of Matlock’s audience

> ...

> talking out of their ass.

It's amusing that you claim to not be picking a fight and then go on that little rant afterwards. You seem to be very worked up over this and I have no interest in arguing with you. I will not be replying to anymore combative comments on your part.


efs120 t1_jaeesoa wrote

Ok, Dung Inspector.


DUNG_INSPECTOR t1_jaempe1 wrote

Still trying to pick a fight, huh?


efs120 t1_jaemv6b wrote

I thought you were done replying, Dung Inspector. All I said was okay.


DUNG_INSPECTOR t1_jaenbg8 wrote

> picking a fight over whether Matlock had old fans or not takes the cake.


efs120 t1_jaenep1 wrote

You’re still on that? Move on, man.


DUNG_INSPECTOR t1_jaenrqz wrote

> picking a fight over whether Matlock had old fans or not takes the cake.


TheRealDrSarcasmo t1_jae6o2h wrote

Yes. That was 28 years ago. It debuted on TV in 1986, which was 37 years ago.

If you were 45 when 'Matlock' went off the air -- which strikes me as on the young side for the target demographic, which largely would have been Andy Griffith fans -- you're 74 today.

Andy Griffith fans who were 65 when the show started are over 100, if they're still alive.

Seriously, how many people in their 20s and 30s were watching 'Matlock' in the mid-90s? I sure as hell wasn't. It was considered an "old person's show" back then.

Thus, my comment about how the original core demographic may not be around anymore.


DUNG_INSPECTOR t1_jae8ueu wrote

> you're 74 today.

Unless you are suggesting that there is no alive over the age of 73 I don't see the relevance.

> Andy Griffith fans who were 65 when the show started are over 100, if they're still alive.

Uhh... that's a completely different show. Outside of the fact that Andy Griffith played both parts there is no relevance.

Although I will point out that shows like Matlock and Andy Griffith continued to air after they ended, hell you can still watch the Andy Griffith show on OTA channels. I'm 45 and have watched, and enjoyed, both shows.

> Seriously, how many people in their 20s and 30s were watching 'Matlock' in the mid-90s? I sure as hell wasn't.

I love baseless speculation based on personal anecdotes.


Neo2199 OP t1_jadxe24 wrote

> In Matlock, written by Jane the Virgin creator Urman and inspired by the classic TV series starring Andy Griffith, after achieving success in her younger years, the brilliant septuagenarian Madeline Matlock (Bates) rejoins the work force at a prestigious law firm where she uses her unassuming demeanor and wily tactics to win cases and expose corruption from within.

> Andy Griffith starred as the folksy lawyer on the original Matlock, which ran for six seasons on NBC and then another three seasons on ABC.

Kathy Bates is a great actress, so I’m going to check this out. But this constant gender-swapping the past couple years really shows the lack of any creativity in Hollywood.

If they can’t come up with new interesting female characters, then they should remake/revive female-lead TV shows like ‘Alias’ , ‘Charlie's Angels’, ‘Murder, She Wrote’, ‘Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles’, ‘Damages’, ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’, ‘Dark Angel’, ‘The Bionic Woman’, and ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’


Snuggle__Monster t1_jae0tqu wrote

I wouldn't mind seeing Alias rebooted. That show was so good at the start with it's original concept then devolved into a complete mess.


majestrate t1_jaf1fo2 wrote

I'd be interested in seeing a reboot of Alias as long as they stick to spy stories and avoid alien storylines.


Dohi64 t1_jadz6ie wrote

so it's more of a harry's law reboot then, where kathy bates also played a lawyer back in 2011. I hate legal dramas but the first season was great fun, had a good lead and side characters, one played by brittany snow.

then they had to fuck everything up in the second season, even brittany couldn't make it watchable anymore. looks like I somehow still managed half of it, I could've sworn I ditched s2 after a couple eps. then it got canceled. this is on cbs (harry was nbc), so it's bound to go on for 12 seasons.


Gato1980 t1_jaelnv8 wrote

I enjoyed Harry's Law a lot. I remember everyone being shocked that it was cancelled, especially since it was doing really well in the ratings. If I remember correctly, NBC was trying to get a younger audience and pulled the show because their audience skewed older, which made no sense to me.


Dohi64 t1_jaeqn1h wrote

the second season had a bunch more old fucks, so no wonder it mostly appealed to older viewers. nothing wrong with that, it just shouldn't have surprised them. they shouldn't have changed anything, season 1 was fine as it was.


efs120 t1_jae85s3 wrote

The Matlock name means absolutely nothing to people anymore, and the plot doesn’t even sound like Matlock. This all sounds like a joke about how Hollywood is out of ideas, not something they’d actually do.


ArchDucky t1_jadzhwo wrote

I thought that said "Gender-Swap Robot" and I was so interested in seeing Kathy Bates solving crimes as a robot that could instantly swap its gender.