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teachertraveler1 t1_j9y8a5y wrote

Nepotism is about power. Who holds power and how it is used. Denying power dynamics in any industry is disastrous. Wealth brings a lot of power. In a place like the US, it's the difference between having a good attorney and getting a light sentence or being stuck in jail for months without being charged. I mean look at SFG. He's on $250million bail chilling at his parents' mansion. Most parents in the world don't have that kind of power.

So in acting which can be a very secretive, back channel deal kind of industry, power means access to people and opportunities that other people are shut out from. There are no repercussions if Jess Smith from Wolverton didn't get the part. But there may be very real repercussions if Major Movie Star's child doesn't get the part. People in the industry who don't have that kind of power aren't dumb. They know how precarious things can be. It's only the people who have only ever known access and power who think that it does not make their road smooth.