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IndyRevolution t1_j9cceiq wrote

Bravo Nolan, people are "conservative" because they want to hear important plot exposition instead of sailboat noises and droning booms. Truly an underappreciated visionary.


bob1689321 t1_j9ct9hn wrote

While I get why people criticise his mixes, when it works it really, really works. The Dark Knight and Inception are 2 of the best sound mixes I've ever heard. A lot of the time I rewatch them solely because of the sound.

Tenet took it too far for the most part, and it's caused people to crap on all his movies.


Optimal_Plate_4769 t1_j9fqw6z wrote

there isn't a single nolan movie where important plot exposition depends on the clarity of a line.

you're missing the story because you're focusing on the least important part of a scene.

he obviously has you hear dialogue when it matters.

like TENET has fucking incredible sound, it's amazing. people are mad because of some lines spoken on the F50 catamarans? come on.


IndyRevolution t1_j9jghz7 wrote

Maybe just don't record the audio on the boat like a lunatic?

It's because he refuses to do ADR like a sane person. Aiden Gillan talked about how he knew he was going to be mocked for the plane scene while he was filming it because he asked Nolan's DP "Are they gonna ADR us?" and the DP said something like "Oh no, Nolan would take that as having done the scene wrong." So the actual scene has the audio all fucked by plane noises and awkward line delivery.

My source is this interview, of which I can't find the full VOD for, but here's a snip.


Optimal_Plate_4769 t1_j9jshvs wrote

> Maybe just don't record the audio on the boat like a lunatic?

... why NOT?

>It's because he refuses to do ADR like a sane person. Aiden Gillan talked about how he knew he was going to be mocked for the plane scene while he was filming it

what's wrong with that plane scene? it's probably the coolest thing about that movie?

at some point it might come down to taste. i think the delivery and so on in TENET is fucking fantastic. so is the audio.

you don't need to hear EVERY line of dialogue. i can't help but feel this is the result of a babied audience that isn't used to not being catered to in every respect.


IndyRevolution t1_j9kg116 wrote

Are you implying that classic Hollywood films were like this? Audio was paramount in those films to the point that many stars were ADRed by voice actors for extremely minute reasons.