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Zero_ST t1_j9g1gmx wrote

Here's the first result of the Google search for me:

They don't look like tiny PC speakers to me. And s you're apparently having difficulty understanding how they connect there are handy photos too.

Now let's recap. You said speakers couldn't be attached to a TV, I said they could. You asked how, I said using 3.5 mm. You said that must be one speaker only (???), I said it's both. You asked what type of speakers, I gave you a Google link. You couldn't be bothered to at millions of results that show you. I've now given you a direct link to one of them. You said they must be "tiny PC speakers" despite that being irrelevant to your claim that no speakers can be attached to a TV. The link shows that they aren't, and it wouldn't even matter if they were.

So what goalpost are you going to move next to try to avoid admitting you're wrong?


Calcutec_1 t1_j9g27dp wrote

thank you for finally provide a relevant link.

Yes these are fine speakers.. for music. They will do nothing for the level of dialogue from your TV. Which I believe was the original topic here.

And remember, all of this could have been avoided if you'd just started by saying you were connecting a speaker set to the headphone output, instead of me having to pull out bits of information piece by piece until I finally get an image of what you were trying to set up.


Zero_ST t1_j9g3p9j wrote

They absolutely do help with dialogue, as I know and as u/nilsy007 does. You didn't know what they were five minutes ago so any claim that they don't can be safely ignored as you literally have no idea what you're talking about.

Going back to his original comment, your reply that "everything you wrote is wrong. Like , factually wrong." can similarly be ignored.