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JS-87 t1_j93j6om wrote

I thought there was an alarming amount of previously watched material showing up today. Glad to know I wasn't the only one.


SoMantAltsLol t1_j93kuga wrote

what worked for me was literally signing out of youtube and not signing into any profile. I actually got fresh recommendations


DisturbedNocturne t1_j94kekv wrote

It's really baffling how frequently stuff I've already watched shows up on there. Netflix's whole design revolves around obfuscating the size of their catalogue as much as they possibly can. It's why they rotate categories and thumbnails as much as they do. But when I see like 5-10 things on my recommendations that are things I clearly already watched and rated on Netflix or it's stuff that doesn't have a great recommendation percentage, it just makes me think there must not be enough on Netflix for them to recommend to me that I will like.