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fusionsofwonder t1_j9xgzgi wrote


Belgand t1_j9xoemc wrote

And he missed out on all that delicious North African cuisine as a result. I'd rather take my chances of getting dysentery.


fusionsofwonder t1_j9xokpt wrote

I probably wouldn't risk it until after they wrapped. A sick director is a huge expense.


Belgand t1_j9xpxj4 wrote

The smart move would be to travel as part of the advance team. If you're going to get sick, do so early on so you'll hopefully be over it and unlikely to have a recurrence once you move into production with everyone on site.


DerpDerpersonMD t1_ja2d3tb wrote

>I'd rather take my chances of getting dysentery.

Says person who's never had dysentery.