Submitted by SafarianCasey t3_10sbib7 in television

I was wondering what most of you prefer as far as how many seasons a show has. I have gotten into shows with a lot of seasons (at least 7) but then the newest one that has 12 (Bones) I have gotten just a little too bored with now in season 8. So I was wondering if people like to have a lot of seasons in a show, or fewer. And what do you think is the perfect amount of seasons?



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ughdrunkatvogue t1_j70kkk8 wrote

If it's a sitcom or a network drama that focuses on a case of the week sort of thing, they can usually last forever. But if it's a show focused on a specific story-line, then I prefer fewer seasons. The Good Place only had 4, Breaking Bad had 5, and Fleabag famously only has 2 after Phoebe Waller-Bridge had to be convinced to have a second season, which ended up being better than the first, and nicely closed the story. The perfect amount of seasons are when the show runners know when to end a story.


LordXenu45 t1_j70kand wrote

Depends on the show but most times 3-5 seasons is usually my preference. Tell your story and be done with it, no need to stretch it out.


Jack_Q_Frost_Jr t1_j70kb7v wrote

I think fewer is better. Imho 5 would be about ideal, and 10 should be about the maximum. In real life people change and move on. Also, you kinda run out of plots at some point. It's surreal to know some shows like The Simpsons are still on the air after so many years.


bitca57 t1_j70kmut wrote

Less seasons is always better, if you ask me. I don't believe any TV series actually benefits from having 10+ seasons. You see shows like Grey's Anatomy that just seem to never end and you question why it's still on the air because the quality of the show has drastically decreased.

I think the actual perfect amount of seasons a show can have is 4 seasons. I think you can tell a complete story that doesn't falter and doesn't get too bloated in a good 4 seasons. Hell, if you want to extend it, I can be okay with maybe 6 seasons. But once a show starts hitting 8+ seasons, I'll most likely check out. By that point, most shows are repeating storylines and aren't doing anything narratively creative or worthwhile, especially if they are network dramas that are hitting 22 episodes a season.


BigPoppaPuff t1_j70v4ql wrote

if the show is serial, 3 is usually all it needs and it will go downhill beyond it. 5 is like the max for REALLY great shows. I know some stretch longer and they're fine, but if you want true wire to wire masterpiece, going longer than 5 is likely to result in something short of that

the MAJORITY of shows would probably just be better served as limited series for the sake of their story that don't really have much legs and will end up wasting a lot of time with side quests that get in the way of the overarching narratives, but the economics of it all say "popular show -> make more seasons" and creatives say "more seasons -> more money for me"

If it's like a sitcom or police procedural or whatever else is purely episodic without much in the way of overarching narrative, then sure, go nuts, do whatever you want.


jogoso2014 t1_j71krq3 wrote

I’m fine with no more than three unless it’s based on a story requiring more than three.

I tend to like limited series overall.


SkullLeader t1_j733tgj wrote

I think 4-6 seasons is the sweet spot. Most shows seem to run out of ideas or get repetitive and feel like they're trying to milk it for all its worth if they go much further than that. Less than that and probably got cancelled too early, or there just wasn't enough story there to begin with. But also of course the number of episodes per season factors in to this a little too - Most network shows in the past were 20-24 episodes per season, but a lot of cable/netflix stuff these days is 8-12 episodes per season.


mickeyflinn t1_j7fz2y2 wrote

If a show continues to tell good stories and be entertaining, I see no reason for there to be a limit on the number of seasons.


ToastMmmmmmm t1_j70nn0a wrote

I generally don’t start a show if it has more than a few seasons, with the exceptions of Breaking Bad and Dexter.


AnxietyTsunami t1_j7178f0 wrote

Just imagine Lost if they had 3 seasons tops and knew where the story was going. That show was so good for the first couple seasons then they had to stretch it out to milk it for ratings and money.


natus92 t1_j72h20b wrote

For me personally not a single show needs to be longer than 5 seasons