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Frankfusion t1_ja9ly24 wrote

Good for him. The dude is funny and talented and clearly he has a Fanbase that loves. It just sucks he’s not doing cooler projects. I know a lot of that is self imposed. He picks his own projects and he’s been busy touring the world but I would love to see him on Hulu or HBO, or even at Netflix doing something in the style of the last OG or Dave.


SenorArthurVandelay t1_jaaqdjx wrote

There’s not a lot of roles for jolly fat guys in studio movies unfortunately. Though there should be.

He makes a fuckton with his tours and stuff and has a pretty rabid fanbase and always has a sitcom he’s starring in that he produces.

He’s doing fine.


krazy_kat_laddie t1_ja9j2gh wrote

He's been losing a lot of weight. Is he still fluffy enough to be Santa lol


Great_Zarquon t1_jaa0yat wrote

Unfortunately for him Tim Allen may have beaten him to the role


polkjamespolk t1_jabbnhz wrote

Fingers crossed they'll add John Goodman as robot Santa.


HardensWeakChin t1_ja9kw5h wrote

Presumably named after the Danishes in Racine, WI.


Jmazoso t1_jaalcs0 wrote



Drakon519 t1_jaalhe3 wrote

Here's hoping he's funny in this. I've been a fan of his forever, but man, his last special was rough. I don't think I laughed once.


sculptureofman t1_jacv9j8 wrote

Even if he does a bad job he still gets 2 mill


butterfutternutter t1_ja9wtur wrote

I am looking forward to seeing how conservative media will respond to this newsworthy event
