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Deadlocked02 t1_j95ko8e wrote

> Have you watched Korean shows? What do you think of their stance on this?

They feel closer to Japanese productions to me than Western ones, which isn’t really surprising, considering they’re both Asian countries.

Many of their productions seem to have a wider political meaning (like criticizing capitalism or Korean society), but they don’t seem very concerned about gender or being politically correct. As I said, that’s more palatable to me than double standards.


LightThatIgnitesAll t1_j95ktxe wrote

>but they don’t seem very concerned about gender or being politically correct.

Some of them do like Extraodinary Attorney Woo. I think it worked really well in those episodes.

>As I said, that’s more palatable to me than double standards.

Yeh fair enough. Not a fan of Hollywood's weird double standards. It feels like a lot of "strong women" character arch types just takes traits associated with "toxic maculinity" but then is presented as a positive thing lol.