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forman98 OP t1_jadygpy wrote

That's ridiculous, lol. Can you imagine a world where seasons 6-15 didn't exist? With SPN having ended 13 years ago and just been one of those shows that faded into maybe cult classic like status? Going out on the highest rated episode of the series would have been great and people probably would have been discussing a potential continuation for the past 13 years. That's when you get them back together and you pick up with a limited new story and the whole point is to finally get Sam out of hell. Instead, they brought him back before the episode ended.


Regula96 t1_jae00nh wrote

Yea I imagine there are a ton of people that never gave the show a chance because there's just too many seasons. Still, I'm happy for Jensen and Jared. They loved working on the show and not many get solid work for 15 years.