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31_SAVAGE_ t1_j9yitv8 wrote

man its just a tv show. and this type of commentary is so exaggerated and nostalgic.

yes the last few seasons were a drop in quality, no it wasnt the worst tragedy in human history and were still fairly entertaining.


doctorMiami1337 t1_j9yj4wg wrote

> no it wasnt the worst tragedy in human history

Literally no one said this mate

> and were still fairly entertaining.

Dude, now you're just making me laugh. If that was entertaining to you then holy shit lol. GoT went from a 9-10/10 rated show to 2-3/10 at best.

GoT was a global and cultural phenomenom in it's prime, and you're surprised people are still sad it got butchered towards the end? Man please, complete nonsense of a comment


31_SAVAGE_ t1_j9ykwgt wrote

> GoT went from a 9-10/10 rated show to 2-3/10 at best.

this is exactly what i'm talking about, this is a completely ridiculous opinion.

you still watched every episode. you were so engaged that you cant let it go until today, years after it's over. thats a fucking 2 out of 10? lmao. what rating is the other 95% of garbage pumped out by every studio constantly?

it was entertaining to you as well, you just cant admit it because of the narrative that arose.

if it wasnt, you would have stopped watching it.


MissKhary t1_ja0f9gc wrote

Yeah, ASOIAF was my favorite series and I was so excited (and scared) when the show was announced. At the time I only knew one or two other people in real life that had actually read the books, and this show made my DAD read them. And he doesn't read fantasy. Anyways, I was scared they'd butcher the characters and turn them into caricatures. The show improved some characters (Oberyn and Davos were show favorites of mine and I did not care for them in the books) and made others worse (book Jon >>> show Jon, Mance Rayder) and some I feel were perfectly cast (Jaime, Cersei, Tywin, Tyrion, Jorah). Plus the show gave us that badass Mormont child leader. She's the best part of the last seasons.

Anyways, while the show had book source material it stayed great. And when it started "spoiling" the books for me my resentment and anger (at GRRM, whether that's fair or not) totally did contribute to my less charitable opinions on the storylines. I had wanted to read these, not see the dumbed down version with missing character arcs try to wrap it all up. And it was so underwhelming because the expectations were high AND I was bitter and predisposed to not be happy about it no matter how good it was. And it did end up being... not great. Maybe in book format we'd have had enough story added to make the ending work, but we didn't have that here. But there's no way objectively that it's 2/10. I'd say 6.5/7. But if our expectations were for 10/10, then 6 or 7 feels like a huge letdown. As big of a letdown as if a 6-7/10 average show had a 2-3/10 finale.


doctorMiami1337 t1_j9yla9f wrote

? Are you actually serious?

Yeah i was totally gonna not watch the last season of a show i've been watching/following/reading books about for years... ?

I have no idea if you're actually serious or just a troll, genuinely no idea.

Season 7 was bad and riddled with mistakes, ofcourse everyone also watched season 8 just to watch the train derail and burn completely.

Bro what are your comments genuinely?


31_SAVAGE_ t1_j9ym6z5 wrote

nah i was just joking. the show was complete unwatchable garbage and a 1/10, you're right. off you go.


doctorMiami1337 t1_j9yme3h wrote

I've heard many opinions on the internet but enjoying season 8 of Game of Thrones is genuinely next level wild. More plotholes in season 7 and 8 than there are grains of sand on earth lmao

W/e man, i'm glad atleast you enjoyed it


ImNotADick t1_j9yow6w wrote

I’ll hop in here to back him up. I enjoyed the last two seasons of GOT as well. They are a clear decline from the prior seasons but still entertaining.

There is just nothing on tv that is made on that scale. I think the biggest thing that stopped people from enjoying it was their own expectations. If you go into it focusing solely on the negatives and “plot holes” of course you’re not going to enjoy it. But it is possible to just appreciate it for what it is.


doctorMiami1337 t1_j9yr3lr wrote

I mean it's widely regarded as the worst ending to a cultural phenomenon TV show with some of the worst glaring plotholes and rushed endings on TV ever, D&D themselves admitted they rushed the ending and declined HBO's proposals for more seasons/episodes.

If you guys actually enjoyed that trainwreck, then all the power to you, atleast someone gained some joy out of it.

Also this whole sentiment of "focusing on plot holes" is weird as hell. How in the actual hell do you not focus on extremely obvious plot holes which literally ruin not only the show but the previous 6 seasons aswell? There is no getting past that.

The fact that there's people actually defending Dan and Dave's "well she just kinda forgot" plotlines of season 8 is absolutely blowing my mind right now, genuinely the worst piece of television i've seen ever, i'm not trying to hate or be offensive but holy shit i'm actually baffled. Interesting conversation for sure.

There are literal 5 hour videos explaining and detailing every single gigantic plot hole and rushed production of season 7 and 8, but w/e.

The discussion is over, the show is ended, who cares amirite


[deleted] t1_j9yyu0t wrote



doctorMiami1337 t1_j9yzima wrote

Who am i denying which opinion? The last season was objectively hot garbage according to 99% of critics/reviewers/fans/whoever.

Season 7 was bearable kind of but still riddled with horrible plot holes.

How is saying this being obnoxious? And it's not the comparison that makes them shitty, it's the plot holes

The fact that there's people defending one of the worst TV productions in years if not ever on a sub called /r/television is hilarious though lmfao, you guys absolutely deserved D&D.

Saying seasons 7 and 8 "weren't that bad" and were still "fairly entertaining" as the guy i replied to orginially is complete revisionism nonsense