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doctorMiami1337 t1_j9yr3lr wrote

I mean it's widely regarded as the worst ending to a cultural phenomenon TV show with some of the worst glaring plotholes and rushed endings on TV ever, D&D themselves admitted they rushed the ending and declined HBO's proposals for more seasons/episodes.

If you guys actually enjoyed that trainwreck, then all the power to you, atleast someone gained some joy out of it.

Also this whole sentiment of "focusing on plot holes" is weird as hell. How in the actual hell do you not focus on extremely obvious plot holes which literally ruin not only the show but the previous 6 seasons aswell? There is no getting past that.

The fact that there's people actually defending Dan and Dave's "well she just kinda forgot" plotlines of season 8 is absolutely blowing my mind right now, genuinely the worst piece of television i've seen ever, i'm not trying to hate or be offensive but holy shit i'm actually baffled. Interesting conversation for sure.

There are literal 5 hour videos explaining and detailing every single gigantic plot hole and rushed production of season 7 and 8, but w/e.

The discussion is over, the show is ended, who cares amirite