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EVMad t1_j9hwn57 wrote

It’s much tamer than the game. I’m watching it with my wife and she seems to be enjoying it. There’s a lot more character development than the game can achieve. My wife usually refuses to watch post apocalyptic shows or films but this is so well written she’s got past that.


yeahigotnothing OP t1_j9hwwjz wrote

Awesome, thanks! I’ll run it past her. I know it has a highly rated storyline so that should help.


EVMad t1_j9hx8l5 wrote

I suggested watching it to my wife and she pulled the usual “urgh I hate apocalyptic stuff” and refused but then her friends said it was good and she showed interest. Go figure. Good luck, it’s an awesome show.


tlamy t1_j9k7sio wrote

I had almost the exact conversation with my wife. I suggested the show to her but she doesn't like gore and extreme violence, which I told her was in the game, but we watched the first episode anyway and now she's hooked.

The game is much worse when it comes to blood and gore imo


EVMad t1_j9kphor wrote

The game makes it personal, a TV show isn’t even third person since you’re passive so events that can be quite horrible in the game could be shown from a more distant perspective as they did with the bloater.


OkayAtBowling t1_j9k3jmc wrote

I agree that it's a lot tamer than the game, but I'd also put in the caveat of "so far". There's definitely some stuff from the second game that could be pretty bad.

I would say however that the violence is not gratuitous the way that a lot of other zombie-based media is. There are plenty of times when the show could have easily been more graphic or taken things up a notch and they've decided not to. I think it's a good choice though, it keeps the focus on the characters rather than making a spectacle out of the violence. But I also think they may be doing it so that some other particularly violent moments later will hit harder.


EVMad t1_j9kp9m4 wrote

Yep, the game has some seriously scary bits and as you say, Part 2 has some awful parts they’ll need to cover. The large set pieces with huge numbers of infected don’t necessarily move a story forward but they’re great fun in a game so I’m not surprised we’re not seeing those very often. The first appearance of the bloater was excellent and shows they can do it, they’re just moving through the story more quickly than the game does. I was a little disappointed at the loss of the section working through the toppled buildings in Boston but it really wasn’t necessary. The bit I’m somewhat dreading is how they handle David…..