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Constant-Car-8796 t1_ja0qcc1 wrote

wait until the whole season is out and then binge watch it

I figured this out actually 2 days ago while rewatching BCS season 6,it was just much better and more entertaining than watching every week an episode.


garrymad-gm t1_ja0qve4 wrote

Depends on the show, I binged Breaking Bad in 3 weeks and I adored it, but ask me what happened in certain episodes and I’ll go blank, I obviously remember key moments and small ones aswell, but smaller details don’t stick with me as much,

For better call Saul, I also binged up until season 5 and watched all of season 6 live, and I can tell you absolutely everything about the last 13 episodes of that show, I remember small lines of dialogue, music played, episode titles, everything, it stuck with me more and I had longer to process episodes and mainly deaths, there’s 3 deaths in season 6 which stuck with me more than any TV show I’ve ever seen.

By the time BCS ended I even preferred it to BB, and the week to week release definitely helped that, I enjoyed each episode more, I could theorise, and think about it and process things. But I argue the week to week release only works with “good” shows, the good writing and acting has you thinking more and waiting for the next episode.

An new example of this is the last of us, my friend hasn’t played the games but started watching when episode 3 aired, she hates week to week releases because she hates the wait but she is loving the show and we can have conversations about it and she theorises what will happen next and how much she’s connecting to these characters, in a binge model that’s all gone, the latest episode ended on a massive cliffhanger for those who haven’t played the game and the binge model allows for “Next Episode ” to be pressed in a heartbeat, not giving you time to sit on things.

For comedy’s and lesser shows the binge model works because you can sit down and get through the episodes quickly and is more fun


Thorne628 t1_ja0qwmz wrote

Week-to-week, but I grew up in the 80's, so that might just be what I am used to. I think it you get to experience more anticipation that way.


crdctr t1_ja0r6j2 wrote

I Currently watch a bit of an episode, pause, do something else, come back, watch a bit, realize I wasn't paying attention, rewind, browse Reddit on my phone, go back again, start doing something else, come back, skip through a boring part. I think I might have developed ADHD


MRobi83 t1_ja0txih wrote

Depends on the show. If it's the typical network tv series where only a minor part of each episode follows week to week and you could really watch any episode on its own and out of order.... I'm fine with the week to week. I'm talking things like the Chicago series, CSI, fbi, 30min comedies, etc etc...

Now if it's a series where the entire season is 1 storyline and every episode follows each other... Definitely binge watch. I can't stand the week to week model of these. The one that comes to mind right now is Servant on AppleTV. This needs to be released as a whole, but apple insists on the week to week model and it drives me absolutely insane! I refuse to watch it until the final episode has aired.


anasui1 t1_ja0ty7t wrote

if forced to, week to week, as a child of the 80s it's not hard to fall back to that habit. But I much prefer binging, usually two or three episodes


JumpReasonable6324 t1_ja0upd8 wrote

I prefer week to week - it gives me time to digest what happened and think it through. I did week to week with Breaking Bad and I'm doing it now with The Last of Us.


vitorgrs t1_ja0uskd wrote

I prefer weekly episodes. With Netflix model, I always delay to watch the season as when I watch it, it's usually one episode per day at best. Can't really manage to binge-watch several episodes like people do.


preppytarg t1_ja0wghp wrote

I definitely prefer a forced diet of one episode per week, as it's easier to manage the pressure of staying caught up. When it's a season dump of a super popular show, you have to hurry up and finish it in a weekend or else you could be spoiled by dipshits on the internet.