Submitted by ChessQueenCity t3_118ad5b in television

It seems like Joel McHale finally has his first great pairing since Community in new actor Michael Rowland. The duo is like a combination of Paul Glaser and David Soul and Keenan and Kel with Rowland adding refreshing subtlety and funny faces in some of the more predictable jokes. Emily Prince played by Vella Lovell is priceless and with Grace Palmer and Ravi Patel they have a endless amount of directions they can take the scripts. What I think it will take to get on the level of a show like The office or Parks and rec are not only reoccurring jokes which resonate with the viewers but also the introduction of more characters who add to the comedy and dynamics of the main 5 characters.



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Lifesaboxofgardens t1_j9fxbo8 wrote

Would you say it's at all better than the previews? Because I made the decision not to watch based off that, it looked absolutely terrible which is a bad sign when you're trying to put your best foot forward.


Pool_Shark t1_j9gfeai wrote

I found the first episode to feel very forced. Something seemed off and it felt like none of the characters had any chemistry.

But it’s a comedy so may take some time for then to grow into each other


ChessQueenCity OP t1_j9fypiv wrote

Yes and it was head and shoulders more funny than the first episode of most comedy shows. It’s always sunny, the office, parks and rec just to name a few; their first episodes were not funny stand alone. It took quite a few episodes with a few of them being outstandingly hilarious to even get into the shows, then after being familiar with the humor in the show the first episode for those shows gets a few chuckles out of me.


Civil-Big-754 t1_j9g2fwk wrote

Highly disagree on Always Sunny, they have one of the funniest pilots imo. The show was still finding itself (Dee was so much better when they made her as deplorable as the rest of the gang), but the first season is still better than most comedies.


chrispy145 t1_j9g53sp wrote


The first ep of IASIP is classic.


Civil-Big-754 t1_j9i9c24 wrote

Thank you, I knew I wasn't the only one, I was actually surprised to see it with the others (and honestly, the other two aren't as bad as many others).


ChessQueenCity OP t1_j9g5nbi wrote

Interesting to find out what other people think is hilarious or not. I couldn’t get into the first few episodes of that show, but a few seasons in I flipped back on It’s always sunny and now it’s one of my all time favorites and I enjoy now those episodes with some context.


37Schmeckles t1_j9hdjfk wrote

Fuck no, dee was WAY better when she was the quasi normal view. ‘Whackadoo’ botox dee is juvenile, forced and unfunny. Season 14 on shes basically 0/10. Sigh.


Civil-Big-754 t1_j9i926o wrote

Entirely disagree as well. She was just another sitcom character until the second season.

Plus we'd never have the Gang Broke Dee if she stayed the same, as well as countless other episodes.


37Schmeckles t1_j9i9m9w wrote

The gang broke dee was still awesome. And the slow deterioration into madness was the best part (she had to be kind of normal to start to appreciate that descent).

But now with her perpetual ‘wackadoo’ scenes its just not funny. The slapstick is forced. NOW shes just another sitcom character.


SnoopysAdviser t1_j9gc9iz wrote

Liked the first episode, will continue watching.

Better than night court for me.


ChessQueenCity OP t1_j9gckc6 wrote

I didn’t dislike the new Nightcourt like I thought I would. Nothing will ever live up to the depth the original had. I feel like if they just did what Law and Order did with it’s reboots and title it differently like, Nightcourt LA or something it’d probably be a lot more palatable.


SnoopysAdviser t1_j9gee7i wrote

I like that idea of a different court in a different place. Maybe Dan retired to Vegas or something.

I can't get behind the lead or the bailiff on that show. They both are terrible actors, but I like the rest of the cast. I keep seeing so much praise for it and I'm scratching my head wondering if people are really watching it for what it is now, rather than what it could be.

With Animal Control, I had no issues with any of the actors, and I even already like them all after 1 episode. I like the boss from Mr Mayor, I think she was better in this show than in that last one with Ted Danson (she had a few great lines in that). I already like the rivalry between precincts, and I like the setup that every episode will have an interesting animal encounter.


Vadahann t1_j9gfp7k wrote

It worked better that I thought it would after watching the trailer. Nothing I found hilarious or even really funny but it had enough charms that I'm willing to give it a few more episodes to see where it's going.


blanston t1_j9g9abp wrote

It’s better than all the Chuck Lorre comedies all over the networks which means it will be canceled fairly quick.


ChessQueenCity OP t1_j9gaybh wrote

That makes a lot of sense as most of the bad takes on the show I see are on their social media ad commenta


AlmostAThrow t1_j9vl4qx wrote

Animal Control is so bad it feels like it should be a weird B-plot background show in a much better quality show. The characters all fell like they came straight from a book on writing comedy. The dialogue feels like it's filmed one line at a time instead of characters actually talking to each other. The entire premise is the same as every other quick to fail comedy.


MulderYuffie t1_ja0hcwk wrote

I'm really enjoying it!


ChessQueenCity OP t1_ja0i6z0 wrote

I loved the first episode, the 2nd episode sucked but I’m already hooked so I’ll keep watching.


JKJ420 t1_jabk24o wrote

Did the second episode look too shaky to you? Like handheld shot on steroids. It was very distracting.


crglrsn t1_j9hlk10 wrote

I thought it was a solid pilot with some great character development in just a small period of time. Laughed quite a bit, so I hope it only gets better from here.


jfstompers t1_j9i8gu5 wrote

I mean it's a network sitcom and it feels like it. I didn't dislike the episode I saw but let's see what happens.


SpringTraps t1_j9lr1od wrote

The first episode didn’t feel like a 1st episode, it Felt more like an episode 2 or even the second half of a 40 minute episode.

I’d say it was rough but felt like it could be a decent show much like Sirens, a comedy show about emts dealing with all sorts of calls much like how this show is setup. Drew the comparison because of how similar the “new guy” felt to Sirens’ character Brian, both characters/actors have a very similar upbeat style to them.

Mostly watching for Joel Mchale but I can see this show being a season 1 and done. Had to look up if this was on the same network where he did “The Great Indoors”, canceled after 1 season, but it’s not and at least this show doesn’t have a laugh track.


ChessQueenCity OP t1_j9lrj1m wrote

Show doesn’t need a laugh track with Michael Rowland he and Vella Lovell as Emily are who make the show hilarious. Knowing some of Rowlands regions stand up adds to the halarity, his character having been used to be a pro snowboarder maybe the funniest and most outlandish backstory to a network sitcom character ever.