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37Schmeckles t1_j9hdjfk wrote

Fuck no, dee was WAY better when she was the quasi normal view. ‘Whackadoo’ botox dee is juvenile, forced and unfunny. Season 14 on shes basically 0/10. Sigh.


Civil-Big-754 t1_j9i926o wrote

Entirely disagree as well. She was just another sitcom character until the second season.

Plus we'd never have the Gang Broke Dee if she stayed the same, as well as countless other episodes.


37Schmeckles t1_j9i9m9w wrote

The gang broke dee was still awesome. And the slow deterioration into madness was the best part (she had to be kind of normal to start to appreciate that descent).

But now with her perpetual ‘wackadoo’ scenes its just not funny. The slapstick is forced. NOW shes just another sitcom character.