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[deleted] t1_j8z9hmk wrote

It's so stupid though.

Like I've only watched 3/4 episodes, but you have people >!picking strong opponents rather than picking weak opponents for the challenges,!< why on Earth would you do that if you're supposed to be competing for a big pile of money.

And also, some of the results aren't believable, like in the challenge where they have to >!wrestle the ball off your opponent. Where a woman beats a man in an arena where there's zero cover so you can't run away or anything.!<

There is no way that legitimately happens and they just glossed over it like it was nothing.

And things are too slow. We don't need need loads of replays of uninteresting things and we don't need so much of the dull parts of the games and the episodes are too long for what they are. They could have done with speeding the pace up a bit and overall streamlining the show, but as I say I've only watched 3/4 episodes so maybe that gets better as there's less contestants.

They should have had two competitions running simultaneously (one for men one for women) or something, would have been better.
