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Fit-Till-738 t1_j94uo87 wrote

I'm not sure if it's the translation, the editing, or a characteristic of the people who tend to be on the show, maybe even a cultural thing, but they all seem so self depreciating. Very hard on themselves for mistakes that anyone would make, especially considering how fit and skilled they are. I appreciate how quick they are to compliment and support each other. Sure, some were kind of dbags, but I think they all got cut in the first few elimination challanges. Does anyone else notice this, or is it just me? I lived in South East Asia for a while, and I know that being selfish and unsportsmanlike are highly looked down on, but I never saw the same level of self debasement...


Popular-Departure222 t1_j9dh1bz wrote

Yeah it's an Asian thing. Their sport and who they represent is bigger than themselves. They uphold themselves to that standard. The debasing is motivation to get back and grind. I'm Asian and I've noticed this difference in athletes. Especially since I also watch the NBA.

Sometimes the ego is also necessary to reach godhood.