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meowskywalker t1_ja2pigm wrote

How can you admit comedy is subjective and still claim something is “overrated” in the same post? If it’s overrated that means there’s an objective correct rating that people should be giving it, but instead they’re rating it too highly. But there’s not “too” anything if we admit that artwork is subjective. You don’t like it as much as many other people but no one is under or over rating it because that’s not possible.


pvypvMoonFlyer t1_ja2sssv wrote

He is asking if some of us also believe Abbott to be overrated, no one claimed to have an objective take on the matter.


meowskywalker t1_ja2twxd wrote

If you use the word “overrated” you’re claiming there is an objective correct answer. That’s what I’m saying. Something can’t be over or under rated unless there ls an objectively correct answer that people are missing when they rate it.
