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dysfunctionalpress t1_ja8w6lx wrote

i'd rather that they had put more effort into carnival row.


im_a_dick_head t1_ja8ydbd wrote

They kind of did, it's just not a popular genre


lightsongtheold t1_ja8zfjn wrote

Sad but true. This sort of fantasy tale is niche even among hardcore fantasy fans.


dysfunctionalpress t1_ja8ziia wrote

how did they "kind of" put more effort into it than they actually did?


im_a_dick_head t1_ja9035u wrote

They put a lot of effort into that show but it didn't get a whole lot of viewers compared to their other shows, also because their main audience is dad's.


dysfunctionalpress t1_ja91qrt wrote

and my comment was that i wish that they had put more effort into it than they actually had. which they didn't do, "kind of" or otherwise.

btw- why does your father have an audience..? are you orlando bloom's kid?


franceha t1_ja9gfcz wrote

Carnival Row got hit by covid more than most, I wouldn't blame Amazon for that one.