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sehnsuchtlich t1_j9i2k45 wrote

I covered this a bit in a previous comment, I'll quote it here:

> Talent and work ethic both is hard to come by in writing. If someone comes in who has a history of spoofs and comedies and gives a really solid pitch and spec script, they're much less likely to roll their eyes at his resume than the average moviegoer.

> Hollywood is forgiving of working writers who write schlock for money if it's competent schlock. Writing is a more working class profession in the industry (and less nepotistic) than acting because it's less glamorous. People come into the industry having to take whatever job they can to pay the rent and build a name.

> Plus, his spoofs and comedies were pretty successful so that doesn't hurt.

Basically, Mazin spent decades building up a name as a reliable writer who delivered what was asked of him. He built a considerable amount of reputation in Hollywood, so that gave him a foot in the door when he wanted to do Chernobyl, something near and dear to his heart and not just a job.


Tandybaum OP t1_j9i3cvw wrote

Great comment. It’s truly outstanding and it has to feel amazing to come up through the ranks like this and then absolutely kill it.

To go from maybe have a good reputation with the people in the know to now having a reputation as one of the greats of all time.


paulteegoldman t1_j9ipj4u wrote

I know that he was a script doctor who did lots of uncredited work on screenplays, but does anyone know which films/tv shows he helped write on that he didn’t receive credit for? I can’t seem to find any info


IvyGold t1_j9joh5x wrote

So you're saying he spent his early career being not great but not terrible?