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PaintByLetters t1_j9r2j9e wrote

Yes! This would also give them an opportunity to plant the seed for a proper Dark Tower series.


Papatheosis t1_j9r9n6p wrote

It is strongly implied that IT may be the Crimson King, or maybe the Crimson Queen, or related in some way to the Crimson King, or IT and the Crimson King both come from “the Prim,” the chaotic primordial soup of the universe.

I wouldn’t mind them relating the two, but If I recall correctly, not much that happens in Dark Tower takes place before the Loser Club reigns in Derry, but they can die whatever to tie them together, that’d be cool.


Carpenter_v_Walrus t1_j9rb7x0 wrote

No, Pennywise is small potatoes compared to the Crimson King. There is another being that Roland encounters during his travels that is much closer to Pennywise. But whereas Pennywise fed on fear the other (Dandelo) fed off of laughter.

While King does have a habit of having characters reappear in other stories, they stay more or less consistent in what they do. The Walking dude will tempt people, and travel and cause mischief, the Crimson King will try to destroy whatever he can, but Pennywise was just content to sit in Derry and feed. It doesn't fit the Crimson King's MO at all.


GarlVinland4Astrea t1_j9ti9to wrote

King has also alluded to the idea that Pennywise or maybe one of his spawn is still alive. Tommyknockers has a scene where they drive through Derry and in one of the storm drains they see silver eyes. Which in the books are how Pennywise eyes are predominately described. Then in Dreamcatcher there is a scene where they are in Derry and there is a memorial commemorating the Losers Club that has "Pennywise Lives" spraypainted on it.


Drkarcher22 t1_j9rcqfy wrote

Whether or not IT is the some facet of the Crimson King will probably never truly be definitively stated, however I would love to have confirmation that Dandelo is one of her offspring.

While in the book IT, while Pennywise obviously knows much about the macroverse and her relation to it and her form in the main world, but she just doesn’t seem to care much about it. She has her hunting grounds in Derry and is more or less content with the state of things until the Loser’s Club decide to fight back. Compare that to how she acts in her brief appearance in 11/22/63 where she almost uses her/Jakes knowledge of portals to different worlds as a honey trap to lure him in.


horseren0ir t1_j9sobhe wrote

So IT is a girl? What’s she doing 11/22/63?


Drkarcher22 t1_j9t7bo8 wrote

Well, it’s preferred form in its lair in the sewers under Derry is of a massive female pregnant spider, but it’s true form is the Deadlights, which don’t exist in our universe, plus Pennywise is inherently male. Assigning gender to a shapeshifter is always a tricky thing, especially when IT is actually a malevolent ball of pulsating light.

In 11/22/63 Jake goes back in time to stop the Kennedy assassination using a sorta portal in time a friend of his found years before, however the moment you get sent back to is fixed. It’s always August of 1958, so before committing 5 years of his life to save Kennedy he needs proof that you can truly alter time. He does this by saving a family in Derry that gets murdered by their father on Halloween. (except for one son who Jake knows in the present, which is how he knew of the event.)

Derry is a violent town even when Pennywise is “asleep” it’s a part of the symbiotic relationship that the town and creature have with each other, just every 27 years or so it skyrockets even further. The point being that Jake hates it there, he spends two months waiting in Derry for the event (meeting Richie and Bev at one point) with the cover story that he’s in real estate looking for a location for a hidden buyer. To put off any suspicion that he isn’t there for that job he drives out to the old Ironworks (where Mike had his first encounter with IT) while there he notices several animal bones at the base of a fallen smokestack and then hears a voice in his head beckoning him to walk inside and forget about his mission and the past, that maybe there’s another portal in here that’ll take him somewhere even newer. It’s worth noting that Jake is there only a short time after the Losers beat IT during the 57/58 cycle. So Pennywise is in its less active state.

Jake would later hear that voice again when he heads to Dallas while looking at the Texas book depository where Oswald would shoot the President in a few years time and several decades before for Jake.

King makes several allusions about Dallas and Derry being extremely similar in nature, with a malevolent nature about them. That’s not to say that there’s an IT in Dallas too, but Jake thinks at one point that he wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a portal in Dallas similar to whatever was in that smokestack.


GarlVinland4Astrea t1_j9tiowq wrote

Yup the whole thing about Pennywise is that he's essentially an eldritch horror from beyond who is designed to destroy worlds that got lazy as shit and decided to shirk his duties by making a corporeal form and just setting up shop in a small town and feasting on it's children every few decades.

As bad as Derry was, the rest of the universe kinda got good deal with IT deciding to confine itself to Derry until the Losers wiped IT out.


correcthorsestapler t1_j9svgre wrote

I thought Pennywise was another Dandelo like the creature Roland meets; that one fed off laughter rather than fear. Never heard of Pennywise being the Crimson King, though.

Would be cool to see this be the start of a cinematic King universe. Seems like Castle Rock was trying to do that on Hulu; shame it got cancelled.


Papatheosis t1_j9tk2e4 wrote

Yeah after reading more I don’t think they’re the same, but maybe related.

Maybe they’d even be closer to something like gnostic æons, sharing power from one divine source but behaving totally independent of that source (and sometimes against that source).