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BroadInfluence4013 t1_j9qh75h wrote

>While there are visuals to some degree in almost every trip

Really? I pretty much never had/have visuals on any drug other than very slight changes (like colors "pop" just a little more). Only time I had strong visuals was 3 hits of acid combined with many other substances. And I've done a lot of psychedelics.


cannabination t1_j9qhuaw wrote

Huh. For me there are always trails, and lights have a bit of extra shine to them. I usually get the stained-glass windowpane overlay and a bit of squirming, but I haven't seen anything strong enough to melt stuff in 20 years. The acid I find now is all chill and weak, but it's clean and I'm getting older so it works for me.

I did get some refined psilocybin chocolates at deer creek last year that absolutely melted everything and had virtually none of the negative side effects of shrooms.