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Stonewalled89 t1_jdjrz1l wrote

Gina in Brooklyn Nine Nine. I absolutely despised that character


masimone t1_jdjvqww wrote

Yeah, she seemed like she was in a different unfunny show.


dallassportsallday t1_jdk9vjk wrote

The later the show went the less I could stand her. She was always the worst but kept getting worse and worse.


not---a---bot t1_jdkju0r wrote

It really felt like they tried writing her off several times before it finally ended up sticking.


Ilovepickles11212 t1_jdl6sml wrote

She started off okay and had some good moments but gradually just became such an awful character it was kind of ridiculous


MGD109 t1_jdo99oq wrote

Agreed. Part of the issue is they ran out of ideas what to do with the character, so just doubled down on her being a jerk to everyone yet getting away with it.


mphs95 t1_jdkk15p wrote

I liked her but when she left, I did enjoy the shoe more


evil_nirvana_x t1_jdjwvnw wrote

I might be biased Bran from GoT


Soddington t1_jdk5wdb wrote

But he has such a good story!

Peeping tom, loses his legs, gets dragged to a tree by friends, Superpowered time travelling peeping tom.


evil_nirvana_x t1_jdk6koo wrote

You forgot randomly became king.


Soddington t1_jdkf2qu wrote

He only got to be King because of his story, because that's how monarchy works apparently.


frostbitten42 t1_jdl4l6g wrote

My favourite part was when someone started a GoFundme to build him a ramp so he could roll out of the courtyard he spent an entire season sitting in.


barriekansai t1_je2kw55 wrote

So good he was completely absent from an entire season.


throwtheclownaway20 t1_jdjr5zu wrote

His name was Ted.


Sufficient_Creme6961 t1_jdjrepy wrote

I think they mean Barney though but agreed


OmniManDidNothngWrng t1_jdos2q9 wrote

Either way I'm very confused how you think HIMYM is a good show if you dislike either character.


throwtheclownaway20 t1_jdjt5lw wrote

Barney was a dick, but he was very honest about the fact that he was not interested in any commitment and didn't have any great respect for the women who slept with him. That episode where he takes Lily on a tour of his place to show all the ways it's actively hostile to women is some of the best character-building in TV history.

Ted, OTOH, was basically a "nice guy" (read: incel) who just happened to have enough self-awareness to groom himself, hold a conversation, etc. without being instantly repellant to women. Hell, the entire show is literally built around his older self going on this long, drawn-out yarn to his kids that ultimately ends with, "So that's how I met your mom... anyway, she's dead now, so I'm gonna go back banging your Aunt Robin again since she was the woman I really loved this whole time."


Substantial-Dust4417 t1_jdjy8fl wrote

>who just happened to have enough self-awareness to groom himself, hold a conversation, etc. without being instantly repellant to women.

Remember everything is told from Ted's perspective. What you're seeing is Ted's version of events.


throwtheclownaway20 t1_jdjyhag wrote

And he's still an asshole! I shudder to think what his life was really like


Substantial-Dust4417 t1_jdjyzga wrote

The writers did kind of nod to that a few times, like when Lily and Marshal mention how obnoxious Ted was in college and Ted goes into complete denial mode only to eventually realise it was true.


james_carr9876 t1_jdk2rnc wrote

Am I the only person who thinks Ted is a great character? He’s extremely flawed beyond belief but I find him compelling.


bravetailor t1_jdkjeos wrote

I sympathized with his plight but I agree with the growing sentiment that he was generally not as good a guy as he presented himself to be.


Dostus-dilih t1_jdlpjqa wrote

I think that's kind of the point. He omits A LOT from the story he's telling and sometimes even calls attention to it. There was one episode where they were trying to quit smoking where he goes "yeah none of us quit until events that are around the final season" but he never mentions they were smoking in any episode before or since despite always hanging out in a bar.


throwtheclownaway20 t1_jdk73gc wrote

>Am I the only person who thinks Ted is a great character?

Probably. He's flawed, but nothing about him is interesting to me. I was a "nice guy" when I was younger and I've seen thousands more in my years online, so nothing about those guys who are outwardly milquetoast but secretly shitty is compelling at all. Barney was more interesting, because it turns out that his misogyny was basically a trauma response.


james_carr9876 t1_jdk7tuj wrote

Good points. Barney is definitely a great character. Lily is boring and I couldn’t care less about her. Robin was flawed but also very likeable and Marshall is just so good.


Sufficient_Creme6961 t1_jdjrg94 wrote

Bad like a bad person or didn’t belong on the show because they made it worse?


ozmega t1_jdlcdsq wrote

i think bad like debbie in shameless when she grew up.

such a horrible character to have in a show that was good for the first 4-5 season.


jackckck___ t1_jdm9toc wrote

True. She kinda ruins the show later, once her pregnancy arc started I dropped the show for like a year


bravetailor t1_jdjs3c0 wrote

Like it or not, Barney was a big part of the show's success. The fact that he was an ass, or in today's popular term, 'problematic', WAS a big part of his original appeal.

Unless of course you are in fact talking about Ted lol.

Now see, for me I think of "bad" characters as being more in the line of this:

Seven in Married With Children

Scott in 90210

Susan in Seinfeld

Basically characters that never took off or fit in with the show's tone.


Benjamin_Grimm t1_jdjsbjb wrote

Tom Haverford on Parks and Recreation. Too creepy to be sympathetic.


Xemone t1_jdk43pn wrote

He's one of those characters where I don't believe any moment where he does something nice for someone else and it doesn't benefit him in some way.


MGD109 t1_jdo9il7 wrote

He had some good moments, but yeah a lot of the time he was simply to transparently selfish, smarmy, out of touch or mean for it to stick.


RayPingHeaux t1_jdkbjbn wrote

i dont lnow why it bugs me to see a thread with 30 plus comments but zero likes

so heres a like


hsdad t1_jdjrdd5 wrote

This is a hot take. I get karma tanked every time this comes up. Carol - The Walking Dead


james_carr9876 t1_jdk31jv wrote

Why? Not disagreeing just interested because I like the sound of this comment.


ozmega t1_jdlcu1w wrote

because she is one of the characters that actually is written as a person who is going thru a bunch of really fucked up things, a lot of the things in that show were dumb as fuck.


james_carr9876 t1_jdly56u wrote

Agreed… but her badass stage also happened to be the peak of the show.


HappyGilOHMYGOD t1_jdjvr68 wrote

Friday Night Lights - Tyra

Dexter - Lyla

Game of Thrones - Shay

Merlin - Morgause

LOST - Michael


james_carr9876 t1_jdk2zhn wrote

I thought Michael was a really good character even though I despised him.


Goondal t1_jdl5h66 wrote

Disagree on Tyra. They needed a character that did not buy in to all the bullshit. The problem with her was the stupid murder plot and they did keep her too long (which they did with Riggins too)


Burnenville_ t1_jdk8thr wrote

Mandy from S1 of the West Wing.


visitorzeta t1_jdjse7u wrote

Andy in The Office = I don't know what it is about him, I think it may have to do specifically with Ed Helms' performance, but he feels so forced and out of place. His humor never really felt organic in the show.


ozmega t1_jdlcpu2 wrote

more like season 9 in general, pretty much everything about that season sucks.

fun story, reddit kept pushing the white lotus as a great show, and i ended up watching a whole season of the kid from season 9 acting like andy bernard, the moment he showed the fucking cornell hat i finally said "omfg, its pete" lol, that whole erin pete andy storyline was some of the worst ways to send off a good show.


CumBobDirtyPants t1_jdjt4o6 wrote

Ellstin Limehouse from Justified. Why did people give him their money to take care of? He double-crosses literally everyone. I skip over his parts when I rewatch. Justified was such a well-written show, too, with great acting, so he sticks out like a sore thumb.


unitedfan6191 t1_jdk7mfq wrote

Dawson Leery after like season 4 of Dawson’s Creek.

He started as a cliched and innocent hopeless romantic with aspirations to be a filmmaker but then at a certain point devolved into a somewhat jealous, bitter, angry, possessive person who also decides to run away from responsibility and commitments when it gets too tough and sometimes blames others. I don’t want this to sound too harsh as I would want to give him the benefit of the doubt and he was a teenager who made mistakes and there are reasons for a lot of his behavior, but I think as a character they kinda dropped the ball with him towards the end.

Jack Bauer on 24.

His defense in the name of national security for his barbaric torture and threatening innocents with violence and death if they didn’t so what he says became tired and a crutch after a while and his bad behavior couldn’t possibly be justified after a while. I was willing to have sympathy for him after loved ones either died or left him, but it doesn’t give him the right to point a gun at an innocent person and tell them he will kill them if they don’t do exactly as he says. He’s also displayed hypocritical behavior when he judges and criticizes people for doing similar things to what he’s done which makes him a little tired and unlikable for me after a while.

Karen Walker on Will & Grace, like The Todd snd Bulldog, was intentionally written that way but was still very unlikable even though I could still kinda understand her behavior to a point when you look deeper and realize why she acts the way she does and she displays great heart sometimes.


Ross on Friends for the obvious reasons anyone familiar with the show already knows. Rachel to a degree as well, but I think Ross’ list of douchey behavior takes the proverbial cake.

The Todd on Scrubs was a total creep and a perverted human being, but he was intended to be that way and he was only a side character.

The crew on Seinfeld in the latter years especially were largely horrible human beings.

Ryan Howard on The Office was a largely appalling human being, although he looked great in a fedora.

Bob “Bulldog” Briscoe, like The Todd on Scrubs, was a lawsuit waiting to happen on Frasier and a chauvinistic and openly offensive person like him couldn’t exist in real life.


Nacknack26 t1_jdlwlbk wrote

I thought Dawson was so much worse in earlier seasons. I get that he was a teenager, but he was so awful and hard too root for, especially in season 3 with the whole love triangle. But I'm biased, since i really liked Pacey.


MercilessShadow t1_jdqqef8 wrote

Matt Donovan in The Vampire Diaries. The only thing he does is complain about everything. On rewatches I just skip his scenes and it makes the show 10x better


[deleted] t1_jdjvdob wrote



Nacknack26 t1_jdllud9 wrote

In the beginning I disliked her, but in the end I loved her. I think overall she was a really good written character.


Goondal t1_jdl5797 wrote

The half sister and her son on Shameless

Moira Kelly on The West Wing


StarChild413 t1_jdl8cuj wrote

Charlie from Black-Ish, he's kind of a little too manic and sometimes they make him seem a little too flat by riding too hard on the jokes of him being a deadbeat dad and feeling semi-joking schadenfreude at Dre's marriage troubles because he thinks Bow's hot


widdumqueso717 t1_jdl8rem wrote

McNamara in New York Undercover, he’s just annoying


theyusedthelamppost t1_jdmqld1 wrote

Juliana Crane got me to stop watching Man in the High Castle despite the fact that I loved just about every other character