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VitaLonga t1_jc40oji wrote

I love how much Brits not caring about Ted Lasso rustles the media’s jimmies


Jackski t1_jc7cecq wrote

Thing is that most people I know watch it and really enjoy it. Just no-one has Apple TV because it's barely advertised over here. I didn't even realise it was out in the UK until I got 6 months free with my new phone.

I think most people just pirate it.


knopethankyou t1_jc46gmq wrote

Breaking news, Richmond is a bit posh!


petepro t1_jc4y11x wrote

Does has a thing against Ted Lasso. This is the second article against the show with the same premise.


theyusedthelamppost t1_jc5qtm7 wrote

>a thing against Ted Lasso.

if anything its the opposite. That have a thing for Ted Lasso and is trying to help it by chiding Brits for not watching in order to drum up more ratings.


Sir_Bantersaurus t1_jc606vo wrote

It's Richmond, London. It's not some backwater whose depiction in a sitcom is a huge event for them. I am not sure what the New York equivalent of Richmond would be but I doubt there is any district of NY that would be tripping over themselves over an association with a tv show.


mickeyflinn t1_jc6pkyc wrote

Watching a TV show or movie get filmed is cool for a very short time. I did a tour of Warner Brothers studio earlier this year and it was cool for the two or three hours I was on site.

After that there just isn't much to see.

When the shooting of scenes starts you aren't really allowed to be around anyway, so.


iamtheoneneo t1_jc9jzdi wrote

The actual town is barely shown in the show I can think of two maybe three scenes total. Plus it's just a typical town, really not that much to see.