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JOKER69420XD t1_jd7mygc wrote

Started it yesterday and i gotta say episode one of The Glory was kinda hard to stomach, just a warning for sensitive folks out there, heavy trigger warning for that one.

When it comes to Shadow and Bone, I'm very disappointed. A season that's horribly paced, should've been at least 2 seasons, it just rushes from scene to scene, so everything feels kinda shallow. Wouldn't be surprised if the creators feared the "Netflix Classic".


hikemalls t1_jd7p0lc wrote

Definitely my thought as well; felt like they tried to cram 3 books’ worth of material into 8 episodes in case they got canceled, likely because they know how Netflix operates. Feels like a warning sign when your business practices are ruining even the shows you don’t cancel


slicshuter t1_jd8qm6j wrote

>felt like they tried to cram 3 books’ worth of material into 8 episodes

They basically did that with 2.5 books - they combined the final 2 books of the Grisha trilogy into this season with 4 eps each, and sprinkled some significant subplots and character interactions from the second Crows duology books in there too.

It was still better than The Witcher S2 at least since it still stays true to the characters and doesn't wildly change anything, but they definitely had to skip or rush some great things from the trilogy, and I'm very curious to see how they adapt the Crows duology with how they've moved some stuff from there into this season.


Cole-Spudmoney t1_jdft2s7 wrote

They left a bunch out of the show which they could put into season 3, like the whole thing with the Apparat’s cult, and Nikolai’s mountain fortress.


meatball77 t1_jd8ttgk wrote

From what I've read it seems more like the creators only did Shadow and Bones because they liked The Six of Crows.


Unicorns t1_jd7vrl9 wrote

The Glory is all over my Netflix home page but I’ve been too nervous to watch it! Can you reply with a spoiler alert with what sort of violence it is? Trying to decide if I should just avoid altogether!


JOKER69420XD t1_jd7y1wh wrote

I only watched the first two episodes, E2 was fine but E1 has >!heavy bullying, violent torture, sexual assault, a physically violent teacher and several suicide thoughts/attempts!<

I'm definitely not a person who gets triggered easily or at all actually but I was shocked by how rough the first episode was.


meatball77 t1_jd8u50i wrote

It's bad, and the violence is geared twards a high school student which makes it harder.


nonresponsive t1_jd7zczk wrote

I agree with you, but at the same time I could not look away. I think The Glory does a good job pulling you in.


ejdebruin t1_jd8bm99 wrote

The show isn't made by Netflix. They bought the rights when it was being shopped around.

Your point may be true that they wanted more action in the first season, though