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wjoe t1_je9ckp1 wrote

Chris Evans was definitely an awful host. It was better when they got rid of him, Matt Leblanc was alright. The current trio of McGuinness, Flintoff, and Harris are probably the best it's been since the originals left, although can't really disagree about it being a bit stale. It's still the same old formula, some of the segments they do are fun, the car review bits in between are the same old, and as always the episodes where they go on one big adventure are the best ones.

I'm sure if it was still Clarkson, Hammond, and May we'd still be saying the same thing about it (and indeed, The Grand Tour had it's own share of issues, and has been better when they've stuck to the occasional big adventure episodes). Charismatic presenters with good chemistry between them can go a long way, but there's only so much they can do with the same format after 20 years.


BigDanglyOnes t1_je9gxns wrote

I’m into cars and car stuff so it still scratches that itch for me. I find the current humour a bit puerile though.

Pulling down each others trousers and wedging etc.


ascagnel____ t1_je9vgfw wrote

Honestly, as someone who was once really into Top Gear… the show had started to run its course in the original trio’s later seasons. The show needs another, proper reboot, not just a new set of hosts.