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VitaLonga t1_istse5l wrote

I feel like people talk about Andor a lot… are the viewing figures bad or something?


BlooregardQKazoo t1_istsuzd wrote

>people are burnt out with Star wars content

Sadly, this is exactly it for me. I was burned out on the terrible movies but The Mandalorian brought me back to giving Star Wars a chance. Then Boba Fett was bad and Obi-Wan was terrible and I'm back to just not being very interested in Star Wars.

Maybe I'll give it a shot later if Mandalorian S3 is good and makes me want more Star Wars.


jogoso2014 t1_istthcz wrote

While I like Mandalorian more, I am thoroughly enjoying Andor too.

Hope the second half of the season doesn’t go downhill from the heist.


whichnobody t1_istttn2 wrote

Agree, that Andor is an excellent show. Very much enjoyed the series.


l4zyv3rn t1_istxlwx wrote

I first saw A New Hope in the back of a van at a drive in ‘79. Loved the originals. (ANH,ESB,ROTJ) everything else had been meh except for Rogue One for me. RO really got me back in. Honestly I feel like this is better then all of them especially at my age and what I’m looking for in SciFi. This show is amazing (as the kids say) No Cap.


KingMondo1 t1_istxnf0 wrote

It makes sense though. It's not a show about a big character like Boba or Obi-Wan. It's going to get more time to get the casuals on board.

Especially since the show isn't wall to wall action like some people expect from Star Wars.


bergasa t1_istxqbr wrote

Andor is definitely amazing stuff. People seem to feel the need to compare it to Mando (I guess as the other 'best' SW property lately), but they are quite different, and both welcome. Mando hits the old Star Wars beats in a universe-spanning episodic format. Andor is telling a simmering personal tale. Both are great fits for Star Wars, and offer something unique.


QuePasaCasa t1_istxzic wrote

The problem is that what some people see as "build-up," others see as "going nowhere." What may be a long-awaited and very rewarding "slow burn" to you is unfortunately boring as fuck for people like me who just want some spaceships and laser swords for 30-40 minutes.


l4zyv3rn t1_istz688 wrote

I envy you having the opportunity to watch it fresh directly up to and through the sixth episode. This is a perfect time to binge it. You won’t be disappointed and you’ll probably find yourself like me going, “Why can’t they do this more often?”


reddit455 t1_isu2lyc wrote

that's what Disney needs to do, attract people outside the "space ship and laser sword" demographic.


MCU got a self deprecating legal dramedy with a Hulk - it's not horrible as long as you don't expect Hulk.


Mandalorian is a spaghetti western, IMO.

Andor is Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.


tequilasauer t1_isu2rkb wrote

Honestly, for me, Obi-Wan was so bad, I'd written off every Star Wars thing that wasn't Mandalorian. Word of mouth on this was spreading around and I decided to give it a shot. Loving it so far. I took a break to watch Cyberpunk as I'm playing through the game, but I plan on getting right back to this probably this weekend.


hooch t1_isu7iwx wrote

I checked out after Last Jedi and haven't watched any of the shows. At the time, my feeling was that Rogue One was the best Star Wars thing since Disney took over. Does Andor compare at all to Rogue One? (I do know it's the same character)


ijakinov t1_isu99eb wrote

Yes it’s Star Wars but it’s not the style of show that usually gets very popular. Its also not even about characters that people strongly already care about.


Pretty_Garbage8380 t1_isubif8 wrote

Disney PR told me (a black man) that I was racist because I thought the character of Reva was asinine/lazy/unnecessary.

Not one of my friends has ever insulted me and meant it. I do not forgive some gigantic octopus corporation for direct insults and I will never forget what they actually think about me.

They don't want criticism, that's fine, I won't criticize, I won't pay for it, and I won't watch it. The marketing technique of insulting the fans is beyond stale. I have enough willpower to avoid Disney entirely for the rest of my life. They should be happy. One less "bigot" to criticize their lazy attempts at adaptation.


Daikey t1_isugmqb wrote

this is like the third Andor post today.

Again, Andor is going under the radar because Disney burnt a lot of good will.

By himself, Andor is not even that popular. It's not a character people care for. And those who do, know where it all ends. While the same could be said about Obi-Wan, he is magnitudes more popular than Andor, who is not even the most popular character of Rogue One.

That said, in another moment, the show could have had a fair chance.

Not in 2022.

Disney+ botched, completely botched, Kenobi and Book of Boba Fett. Those should have been the A+ game. Instead they took two of the most popular character in the franchise and put them in low effort, poorly written, laughably bad shows.

Now, if they do this to those characters, what Hope could we ever have for andor? And indeed, a lot of people didn't even gave the show a chance. Star Wars pumped out a lot of product, with few peaks and a lot of pitfalls.

Star wars is a brand. Even for diehard fan, star wars is no longer something special. At the end of Andor, we will have 41 episodes of live action star wars in 3 years.

It's under the radar because Disney made shows that should have been good, but actively damaged the characters. It's under the radar because there's just a ton of Star Wars going around. It's under the radar because every criticism has been deflected towards race and gender rather than the actual quality. HOTD faced backlash because they changed the Velaryon, but people soon shut up because it was just good.

Disney made subpar products, insulted those who dare complain and trashed beloved character. Under those condition, it's a wonder there are so many people who even give this show a chance. Which is, admittely, a shame. Since andor is quite decent.


anasui1 t1_isui9rm wrote

best part of Andor is its glimpses into the Imperial machine, how such a massive entity is actually run, the bureaucracy...Cannot get enough of those scenes


cold08 t1_isuiq0n wrote

They do build up wrong. That's why people think it's going nowhere. The antagonists are aimless and have little effect on the protagonists. One antagonists spends several episodes dealing with his mean mom, while the other spends another few episodes dealing with jurisdictional issues. There's no cat and mouse. There's no building of suspense between episodes. We have these characters who are supposed to be important do nothing but go through files coming no closer to catching the protagonist. That's not build up.


QuePasaCasa t1_isukhkg wrote

Hard agree. There are entire episodes that left me feeling like I had completely wasted my 30 minutes or whatever because there is no tension. Even the big heist episode fell a little flat for me because it goes off exactly how you expect it to.


Maninhartsford t1_isul31b wrote

Maybe it's just spending too much time here but I feel like the only reason the last couple of star wars shows haven't flown under the radar is people never stopped complaining about them


ashinaclan123 t1_isumq7c wrote

It’s good, but not brilliant. I swear people speak in so much hyperbole on this sub lol


visitorzeta t1_isurlud wrote

I'm a huge Star Wars fan. I love George's 1-6 movies, warts and all.

Mandalorian is a nice slice of Star Wars but an otherwise mediocre show at best.
Book of Boba Fett is easily the worst thrown together....material Disney have released.
Obi-Wan Kenobi was a big disappointment.

Now...were at the point of Andor and I just don't care.


nightfishin t1_isuvd8v wrote

In terms of views its lower compared to the others. But in terms of WoM and reviews I think its the opposite - that people have so low expectation for Star Wars now that just an okay series is getting praised. Same for Mandalorian, if it wasn´t SW nobody would care.