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MrStayPuft245 t1_is7efg3 wrote

I love how countries are fighting over Microsoft’s purchase of Activision doing “harm” to their industry while this WB merger has literally lost thousands of jobs for hard working people.

If this doesn’t show how fucked the laws are for us peons nothing will. They don’t care about regulations as long as their pockets get lined along the way.


blighty800 t1_is7s5xu wrote

Your laws a written by the rich


Hershieboy t1_is87qy4 wrote

Sonny Bono actually, he proposed the bill that has hoarding IP so valuable. Discovery now owns one of the largest streaming catalogs that's cheaper to maintain than to enrich.


prosthetic_foreheads t1_is9pey0 wrote

When I went to college for a media arts degree, the main thing I learned in MART 110 was fuck Sonny Bono.


retroblade t1_isb5m23 wrote

This is how all acquisitions go. It’s not like it’s some brand new idea only affecting WB. Shit sucks but that’s life.