Submitted by Ok-Excitement-5594 t3_yc6met in television

I was watching the Miami Vice movie and it got me thinking, I’m kinda surprised that the show wasn't rebooted like how they did Hawaii Five-O, Magnum PI and the Equalizer, Do you think a reboot Miami Vice would work today, I could see them changing one of the characters if not both into women.



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Bokbreath t1_itkigxo wrote

Not until pastels come back.


RudePragmatist t1_itkld70 wrote

No because the original was tied in to that periods way of thinking, life, money and fashion.

You could make a program and recycle the stories but because the writers would all be younger than the originals (who couldn't re-write it because their minds are still from the original era) it wouldn't work out as they'd be trying to balance it for modern audiences in order to get them to watch the show.


RudePragmatist t1_itkqo5g wrote

The passage of time isn't sufficient to classify it as a 'period' ...... or the difference in fast cars and fashion isn't to far removed from today' era physically.

Look at any thing that is currently classified as a 'period' piece. The differences in behavior and style is so vastly removed from what we know, that it works and deserves the tag 'period'.


mickeyflinn t1_itkqwqv wrote


A show about Cops in Miami who own 650,000 dollar boats, 2 million dollar houses and wear 5,000 dollar suits to work.


kjhwkejhkhdsfkjhsdkf t1_itkx50n wrote

I see your point, the difference between 2022 and 1982 isn't as great as the difference between 1982 and 1942, but where do we draw the line?

Does the 60s qualify as a period piece? The 40s? It's a matter of semantics really, but if we're going to get into a semantic argument, there should be some definition of it.


reddig33 t1_itlampz wrote

If the cops were corrupt, it might work. Make it a more gritty reboot about cops on the take. Lots of drugs, mafia, and cash.

The cinematography would have to be a character as well, to bring some style to the show that would be an updated substitute to the flash and pastels of the original. Maybe something more modern noir.

And the soundtrack would be important, too. It was a huge part of the original show, and pop stars of the day often made guest appearances as characters.

So I think it could be done, but it would have to be done with an updated spin. I have clearly given way too much thought to this.


throwawaylogin2099 t1_itlcyfy wrote

The cops didn't actually own that stuff on the show. That was confiscated property that was used by the cops to establish their undercover identities as high rollers. But it was a tv show so why get caught up in the unrealistic details. Everything about that show was so far fetched it was almost pure fantasy.


Snuggle__Monster t1_itlzngd wrote

That was the point though. They were posing as drug dealers as vice cops do. One of the earliest episodes was the department trying to get back Crockett's Ferrari and him bitching to his Lt. that he needs that to maintain cover.


reddit455 t1_itm976e wrote

nobody watches MTV anymore. could you imagine "Narcos" with a special musical guest star?


From Frank Zappa to Leonard Cohen: Every musician to guest star in 'Miami Vice'


Miami Vice Best Music - Debarge - Rhythm of the night | Topdisco Radio


The Best of Phil Collins | Guest Stars | Miami Vice


Glenn Frey - Smuggler's Blues


The Power Station performing Get It On (Bang A Gong) serves as a backdrop to Crockett and Tubbs' investigation of corrupt cops.


Turqoise-Planet t1_itmh072 wrote

The 80s was a large part of what made Miami Vice what it was. The music, the clothes, the cars, and the social issues of the time. There are plenty of cop shows, but Miami Vice was an 80s cop show to the extreme. It wouldn't be the same today.


QuintoBlanco t1_itn8wmb wrote

No internet.

Very few mobile phones and the ones that existed were sized like a brick.

In many bars, the bathroom was bigger than the bar area.

Fax machines were high-tech.

Rolled up sleeves.

And my favorite: the pop-upped collar.