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hof29 t1_itqkzqr wrote

Anything with our good old Christopha in it is going to be wild. Can’t wait.

In all seriousness, I haven’t seen S1 yet (only heard of the show back in August) but Michael Imperioli is definitely a draw for me.


NoInvestment2079 t1_itrvlsn wrote

Can't wait for the discussion threads to be littered with people shouting "JESUS CHRIST CHRISTOFUH" or any other overplayed Sopranos quote whenever Imperoli is on screen. It's why I fucking hate the Sopranos sub. Just a bunch of jerkoffs going on and on with the same quotes and no real discussion.

Anyway, $4 a pound.


frezz t1_itsojx4 wrote

In my thoughts I use the technique of positive visualisation, why do I always feel the sopranos sub is undermined?


Chataboutgames t1_itqm0zu wrote

You should check it out. They're detached miniseries/anthology style so there's no need to go sequentially.

And yeah, Imperioli is absolutely the draw of this cast.


max_d_tho t1_itri93a wrote

Eh, Jennifer Coolidge and Uncle Rico are reprising their roles. Dunno how much that will ultimately matter to s2’s plot but it’s something to keep in mind


HarmonicaDroughtMir t1_itvjk5h wrote

I didn’t think I’d have any interest in White Lotus last year when I saw the trailer, but it became one of my favorite shows in recent memory. I’m hoping season two even partially lives up to that.