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PaintMyTaint t1_itqn9qd wrote

The point of this show was lost on you


pp21 t1_itqog4p wrote

I will never understand people who can't enjoy shows because the characters are bad people. Like can you only enjoy something if there's people you can root for? Good versus evil type scenario? White Lotus is satire so of course most of the cast will be irredeemable people who you dislike -- that's the point. Like, I couldn't imagine not liking Succession because the Roy family is made up of the worst humans on earth.. that's what makes the show so good


Bernard_Rimmer t1_itqqa82 wrote

You don't understand people having different preferences?


mooslapper t1_itqt02x wrote

I think the point of the guys comment was to point out the shallowness of using that as a reason not to like something


VitaminTea t1_itra26v wrote

Yes and some of those preferences are dumb and wrong.


Camus____ t1_itugxhp wrote

Yeah but then it becomes voyeuristic. Succession is the same. I deal with enough real monsters and cunts on a daily basis that I don’t need to watch them in an imagined show.